Training Program and High Gear


I’m having an issue with resistance / gearing in a training program in non erg mode.

When on a group ride (or normal pedalling on Zwift on a route) my resistance/gearing are fine. Ie I’m using high gear to go down hills.

But in non erg mode on a Zwift training program I have issues. On a training program today, involving 10 min spells at 90% FTP watts, to get that output, which I did, I had to be in the highest gear and pedal at 94rpm. Therefore I have no where to go to increase output as I can’t pedal any faster.

Please can you help? I need to find a way so that my gearing is consistent between training and non training programs. Clearly in ERG mode in a trainjj inns program the issue is resolved but I’ve been asked not to use erg mode in training programmes.

I’ve done a calibration.

Thanks !

Unfortunately your friend does not understand how the Trainer Difficulty setting works. It won’t help with this unless you are riding uphill.

If you’re using Zwift Companion App and you’re doing a workout in resistance mode, you can adjust the Slope up or down in the Dashboard tab. In your case, you’ll want to move it up.

If you’re not using the Companion App, then I think this functionality is available via the action bar, but I don’t know for sure as I always use the Companion App.

ETA: Found a link showing how to alter the slope from the action bar :+1:

Good point, I wonder if that’s the resistance setting the friend was talking about? I may have jumped to the wrong conclusion since it’s so common.

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