Trainer resistance relative to grade

Have a couple of questions / comments regarding the resistance on my Kickr:

Generally on uphill segments, my experience is that the resistance on my trainer relative to the grade is less than what I might experience through other Apps (e.g. Kinomap, Fulgaz) and what I might expect on comparable outdoor rides. For instance, there are segments that approach 10% grade on Zwift island that are considerably less difficult to pedal than 6% segments on Kinomap. Would be curious to see if other users have experience this as well.

At times, it does seem that the computer shows resistance slightly ahead of change in resistance felt on the trainer. For instance, if I am cresting a hill, Zwift may show a -% grade while the resistance on my trainer has not yet caught up.

Hi Chaz,

With regards to the % of grade compared to Kinomap / virtual training etc, I would it feels more realistic with Zwift and very close to an outdoor ride. I’m using a Kickr and the % change appears to work pretty well. I’ve also not noticed any real lag in terms of screen position to grade but to be honest, I haven’t really looked at that. Cheers Kev

I have to agree with Chaz, I did my first ride yesterday on Zwift, and found the climb much easier on Zwift, than on Wahoo’s Virtual Trainer software.

Now that said, I had not realized that my online profile gives me a place to put my weight (which I am thinking will relate back to w/kg, and if it was 0lbs from my profile may have been part of that problem. will try that tonight to see if is different now that i updated weight.

Yeah, the 9-10% grade section is definitely not equivalent to other KICKR apps I’ve used. I’m definitely still comfortably in the big ring in Zwift vs on other apps like Kinomaps or the Wahoo Segments app, I’d have to sometimes even stand up on the small ring.