Tour de Zwift [January 2025]

It’s not a race, so no-one really wins.

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That’s what I said.

Well done :trophy:


Kind of interesting you can unlock the “Ultimate Kit” without unlocking the normal kit.

This is because you can ride all 18 routes on your own for the Ultimate Kit, but need to do one of each of the 6 group ride stages to unlock the normal kit.

I was wondering if the Ultimate Kit would only unlock once you unlock the regular kit (meaning you would have to do at least one group event per stage for both the normal and ultimate kit), but that’s not how it works.

So, I have the Ultimate Kit, but will not get the regular Kit until stage 6 opens up. Somewhat odd.

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I would call that very odd. Not somewhat odd.
It’s one reason I left some of the easier ride options each week for the group ride.

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I deliberately saved the long ride for each stage to do as a TdZ group ride. That way I’ll unlock both kits simultaneously next week.

Not that I’ll ever choose to wear either of them. :joy:


That’s what I thought I was doing as well, but apparently I had done Shisa Shakedown last month on a random workout at some point and I forgot about it, so that’s why the ultimate kit unlocked for me after NYC afterparty today.

But I agree… probably will not ever wear either of these kits, so not sure why I decided to do all these routes, would have been nicer to have a different unlock (not just a different coloured kit) for the ultimate challenge.

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The two beanies arent that bad and do look good with some kits.

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Hi everyone -

You may have seen changes this week in Stage 5 Run events that we’d like to call out.

  • All Stage 5, 6, and makeup week events will show everyone in the world.
  • This will make TdZ runners visible in world to Zwifters not participating in their event. They will see everyone, everyone will see them
  • This change is meant to hep the events feel more lively.

Believe it or not, that’s what Eric Min said to the team, that there should be a better reward. So I am doing it hoping that there may be some kind of retroactive bike or something that would make this worth while. Like I said, I got one of the fastest bikes on Rouvy for doing 21 stages of the Vuelta. It had a few 2 hour rides, mostly uphill. No easy cruise.

I have now completed all 6 stages and all 18 routes either free rides or live group rides.
My Zwift home page says I’ve completed only 83%.
I’ve checked my progress and I’ve ticked all the boxes.
but i haven’t unlocked the ultimate kit.
Anyone got any clues as to why?
Sorry if this question has already been asked :wink:

You can’t have completed all 6 stages because Stage 6 hasn’t started yet. So the 83% is correct. You’ll need to do a Stage 6 TdZ group ride to get that to 100%.

Having got that out of the way … all things being equal I’d have expected the ultimate kit to have unlocked if you’ve ridden all 18 routes, unless Zwift have put in a proviso that it can’t unlock until you get to 100% and the regular kit unlocks. :thinking:

ETA Sometimes logging out and back in forces an unlock …

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Thanks that explains why then I had a feeling you might have to do a group ride on each stage :+1:

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IIRC I rode Petite Douleur in freeride ahead of the TOW group ride week and it only changed to completed once the TOW group ride week began.

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Well, for me it didn’t require week 6 to be part of an event since the ultimate kit unlocked for me when I completed my 18th TdZ stage even though I of course had not yet done week 6’s group ride since that has not yet happened.

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I did the 18th route today and the jersey is in my garage but i only found it when i looked at my jerseys

Ah, for me I got the unlock banner and it shows as unlocked on the activity in the companion app:

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What does your kit look like?

Same as mine :+1: