Timeframe for club kit to show up?

How long should it typically take for a custom club kit to show up on your jerseys page? I submitted a form my club provided with my ZwiftID, name and email towards the beginning of the week but nothing has shown up yet.

As soon as Zwift action the request assuming your club have submitted the request to ZHQ to unlock.

Have you had confirmation from Zwift that the kit had been unlocked?

I used to race for WTRL in ZRL who use the same outfit process and it took about 3 whole months for my ingame kit to appear

I’ve been waiting over a year for a in game kit, we have been doing group rides from 2020, Zwift put kits on hold last year and my understanding is they are hopefully looking at starting them soon

I am pretty sure this is referring to the process to get a teams custom kit that already exists, not an entirely new kit.


Any ideas on the answer to this as I was wondering the same, also how does it work, does it just turn up in your jersey options on zwift or do they send you a code

As soon zwift (Support/events) teams say it’s been actioned it should appear in the garage but it does not notify or place at the top etc so you need to go hunting for it.

I usually batch mine up and send to Zwift every couple weeks then I’ll tag my riders on discord when to check if they have it

Cheers Gordon, I’ll keep checking for it :+1:

Well 3 months later and I still have no Cryo-Gen Kit, I’ve actually put in another application recently, any way to chase this up with Zwift

Kit unlocks are normally actioned within hours. who are you contacting to unlock?

Filled out the form which the club them passes I to zwift, and then from what I can make out zwift then put it in my garage, whose the best person to talk to at zwift

Yep that’s how it works. I would confirm first that your team has submitted the unlock for you. Confirm correct zwift id etc and have a good search in the garage if it’s meant to have been done before.

What is your zwift ID maybe @James_Zwift can check.

Zwift ID is 1411191

Can you ask your team admin to contact us please.

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Cheers @James_Zwift will do, thanks also @Gordon_Rhino-Racing for tagging James

@Martin_Reading just wondering if you received your Virtual Kit for Cryo-Gen yet. We had a breakdown in the process and I manually submitted the backlog yesterday. Let me know please in case I missed you? @Rick_Cryo-Gen :wink: FYI @Ray_Ruyack_Cryo-Gen @Dave_Clarkson_CRYO-G @Meinte_M_van_der_Sch

Hi @Rick_Cryo-Gen yes thanks mate, I’ve got it :+1: