This Season on Zwift [April 2023]

I assume it would be a 30 minute cooldown after a break sees the only sensible way of doing things.

This is intriguing, on Climb Portals:

Q: What will the environment inside the portal look like? Will the climbs look like what they look like in real life?
A: Zwit has created a completely new visual experience that gives you the chance to focus on the climb, and enjoy the company of other Zwifters. We can’t wait for you to see it!


I’m guessing some sort of magic road type environment where they can create new climbs easily from gpx data rather than the previous months of work used to create a detailed climb like the alp.


This seems probable, but if so I hope they’ve done a much better job than RGT did with their “magic roads”. Those were pretty poor, in my experience.


yep nice idea, but bored me to death visually and actually split the community a lot with everyone doing their own private road.

Zwift portal sounds just like what i was suggesting last year if they could easily create new climbs and rotate them weekly/monthly i think would interest a huge amount of zwifters.


The wording here suggests there are already more than these two that will be rideable.

What are on people’s wish lists? =)

Les Lacets de Montvernier would be cool, but I’d love to see something from Italy and Spain. The Stelvio seems a candidate. Maybe the Mortirolo or Zoncalan as well-known Italian routes.

Spain might see us riding the Angliru or Sa Calobra.

Outside of Europe, maybe Mt Washinton, Baldy or Evans.

Also, it might be short but I’d like to practice Hardknott Pass. :smiley:


Yeah, I guess that if it’s just the climb that they’re building, without having to construct a whole map and roads leading to/from the base, they could still do it manually and to a high quality yet within a relatively short timeframe.

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I wonder if it’ll mean that the GPX coordinates of these portal-only climbs can then easily be transposed onto their actual real-life location (on an individual climb basis); rather than being an extension of the watopia/france gpx coordinates in the South Pacific.

Really excited for a lot of these. Club Functionality with the Keep Together is going to be huge.

I like a lot of the suggested tweaks being posted above too (being able to select rider highlights on or off for example), but I’m eager to see all of this implemented.

Nicely done, Zwift staff.

Available after the first 30 minutes of your ride (with the free 30 sec in the first 5 minutes). It’s free to use any time after that first 30 minutes, with the 30 minute cooldown happening any time after you use it the first time. For example, if you don’t use it till an hour into your ride, you’ll have to wait 30 minutes to use it again.


Agree could be easier.

Wattages can be seen (mostly) via the Companion App by clicking on the workout segments picture in Events.

But you can’t do that for these because they aren’t all on the calendar yet correct? Before signing up for the series it would be good to see the actual wattages for all the workouts.

Zwift don’t make them easy to find but they are already all on the calendar. I tried clicking through all days via CA events but also found them all on ZwiftHacks which then provides a link to each calendar entry.

This will depend on how the scenery look.
If look like magic roads then sorry not interested. :face_vomiting: :face_vomiting: :face_vomiting:

Climbs are hard and the scenery makes it worth climbing, the Alpe de Zwift is a nice climb because things change and it is entertaining, ven top on the other hand is just boring. I think that is why we se so much more people on the Alpe than Ven top.

The issue with climbs is you can see far in the distance and there need to be something to look at so there need to be 3D graphics as far as you can see. Zwift will have to find a way to easily create the distant graphics.

I am existed about this because I imagine Zwift have found a way to make it visually appealing.


Let’s hope so. I completely agree that the visual interest will make or break this feature to a large extent for many of us.

I’m not sure I personally spend too much time looking into the distance though. In real life, yes, the views are paramount. But on Zwift, I’m mostly staring at the road (because I can’t just turn my head to look around, for one thing).

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Ah, I do see them on ZwiftHacks - thanks! But I’m still not sure how to see the actual interval duration and power targets for them. I can see a graphic for the workout (which is helpful), but the links and descriptions don’t point to anything that lets me hover over and see the duration and power for each interval as far as I can tell (I don’t use ZwiftHacks often so maybe I’m missing something super obvious). Since they are in the calendar I can at least see them in the CA, but man the amount of scrolling that will be will be a bit much :slight_smile:

What would be nice is for them to have those graphics and durations/targets in the actual summary of the Spring Training plan.


I’m not sure why but if that takes you to events page try holding finger on link until this option comes up and choose Open in Companion.

I’m working on IPad so not sure how other systems work.

But yes should be a lot easier and obvious than this.

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Are these updates the ‘next evolution of the Zwift game experience’ that were hinted at last week?

No changes to the User Interface on the upper half of the screen?

I agree scenery is important, but it their really doesn’t have to be distant objects to aim at , as long as the climbs scenery isn’t extremely monotonous and I get the feeling that I’m gaining in elevation (different plant growth, clouds and views from hairpin turns) I am happy
Also I know I differ from many zwifters but Ven Top is my favourite climb in Zwift
Also I don’t think it would be hard for Zwift to beat RGTs magic roads , I’ve tried them and that was probably the worst indoor experience ever, doesn’t matter where your road comes from (beaches , forests , mountains or snow) everything looked like monotonous grass fields and their were visual bugs everywhere :face_vomiting::face_vomiting::face_vomiting:
Zwift could literally just make the roads look like New York’s sky roads and it would already be better for me