Tacx neo 2 - ant+

I can not get my tacx neo2 to Connect to zwift with ant+, its only displayed as blt trainer. Are There any sollution to this?

What device is running zwift? Does it have an ant+ dongle?

Im running it on a samsung s6 lite tablet.

Have you all apps ANT+ needs installed?
Read ZwiftGame Android FAQ (v.1.0.50775)

Since the update everything running smooth on my HTC U11, no BLE, only ANT+.

I Just read through the post yoy linked to, and I have alle the apps installed.

I stubled over this article, were they claim no trainer controll over ant+: https://tacxfaqx.com/knowledge-base/antwtf/

Sorry, I forgot to mention - controllable not yet supported in Android app.
I have only powermeter (power + cadence) and a dumb trainer, so for me not relevant.