Swift Ride frame looks crooked

Hello Riders,
my Swift Ride was delivered today, and after assembling it, I noticed that the handlebars are slightly tilted to the left. I suspect that the front frame part might have been welded crookedly to the middle section. Has anyone else had similar experiences?
Best regards"

it’s hard to tell from the images but do you mean the whole steerer tube looks crooked or is it just the bars. As i believe the bars can be adjusted so could be a simple loosen centre and retighten

Hi @David_Ahlers, and welcome to the forums! I’m Monica from Zwift. I completely understand your concern about the situation you’re facing. After reviewing the images you’ve provided, I suggest we try reinstalling the handlebar to eliminate any potential issues. You can follow the steps outlined in this article for guidance. Additionally, you can follow the steps in this article to adjust your Zwift Ride.

If the problem continues after that, please feel free to reach out to us at support@zwift.com, and we’ll be happy to assist you further.

I have the same issue! Reinstalling did not fix it. Any other ideas?

Hi. Were you able to resolve? I have the same issue. thx!

Ive got a similar issue, the bike is not even when im on it. Ive even bought a level to check the ground etc and it is all level.

I got the most insulting answer from customer support! They sent me by copy and paste the instructions on how to set up the bike!!!

Yeah thats lame. I spent an hour last night reinstalling and playing aroubd with it, im thinking my top tub might be uneven, need to do some measurements on it all

They asked me to send videos and so I did. Let’s see what they come back with.

Iam on frame nr. 3… First bike where crooked like the one you have. I putted on a laser on all middle bike. AND!! then i noticed that the FRONT leg are bend, the weld from china have weld the front leg crooked. All my floor and kickr are staright… SO I can see now iam not the only one that got a crooked fram… Bike frame nr. 2 where the CRANK! crooked like big… # bike frame are on the way. AND this is under 17 days… :frowning: