Hello all,
I’m a keen cyclist and one of many people getting excited about Zwift. I’d love to be able to obtain a Kickr or simliar, but I’m never going to be able to afford one. I also much prefer the experience on rollers. For some reason there aren’t yet any smart rollers, although I expect they would have a similar price to the Kickr if they did exist.
Being a mechanical and electronics engineer, I intend to make my own device to add resistance, power and speed measurement to any of the sets of rollers that I’ll own over the rest of my cycling life. I have a full prototype design and ready to build, but before I do I want to check that I’ll be able to use with Zwift at all.
My question to the Zwift devs is once I have a device fully compliant with the ANT+ FE-C profile will it function with any of your existing hardware profiles, such as the Kickr? If not, would you be willing to add a generic FE-C compliant device to the setup in your software?
Also, which simulation parameters does your software send over FE-C to the trainer to use for resistance? Ideally, would bike speed from the simulation.
Once I get a working device I will be adding a small motor to enable accurate simulation of inertia instead of a flywheel, adding simulation of downhill coasting.
I appreciate any way you can accommodate me.