Supertuck gone?

Raced Stage4 London loop, ZRS based 25/8
When going down after Box Hill climb, my avatar messed up my supertuck, while I was chased by a rider 17 sec behind. PANIC!,no recovery!

Using the “Zwift Ride” with virtual shifting.

Much higher speed than 58kmh and much more than -3

I stop pedaling, goes into Supertuck. After 1 second, he goes up and stop Supertuck. I tried at least 10 times during the descent with same outcome.

This a new bug?

was anyone in front of you?

I did a super tuck yesterday in Watopia, not in a race however, just free riding.

Assuming you reached zero Watts, it’s probably just the buggy/unreliable supertuck activation which has been going on for a long time. Note that some reports of this problem are explained by the trainer not dropping to zero Watts.

Some previous discussion on this topic…

I was all alone.
Some 30sec behind 3rd place and the guy chasing me 17sec behind me.

I’ve done 582 zwift races and quite familiar with supertuck.

Maybe it is the new Pinarello dogma F frame? :thinking:

When I stop pedalling in the pack, or cruising, power goes to 0watts. In the display it shows 0 watts when I tried but ok, then it is a “known” issue, sort of

Going on a recovery ride later today. Going to test if it works if outside a race.

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I guess that you have Kickr Core? This “cannot supertuck” issue started several weeks ago.

The cadence does not drop to 0 easily or it does very randomly. I have the same problem…

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Nope. :sunglasses:

Its the known bug with trainer doing some garbage watts. Goes to 0, then the junk arrives. After som 10 seconds it stops but then Im out of decent. :sob:

I supertucked 11 different laps on the same downhill yesterday, never once did my avatar come out of it unexpectedly

So do you see some Watts showing up or does it remain zero? I sometimes have zero Watts on the HUD for like a minute and super tuck never happens, but then a minute or two later it works. Does that sound like what you’re seeing?

Stop pedaling
Avatar goes into supertuck for a second and power is 0watts. Then I see some junk watts in the hud and avatar stops supertucking

If i dont pedal again, after some 10 sec, watts go down to 0watts again.

Decline% and speed was checked and I was alone

I’m getting no supertuck sometimes when Watts are consistently zero on an extended descent for a while. Then later in the same ride, like minutes later after a flat bit and then another descent it works. I have no clue, it just seems unreliable even when all the conditions are properly met. I’ve never seen unexpected Watts like you’re describing (using a Kickr Core or Stages SB20)

Hi @Rick_Grimes, those watts that are showing up after you stop pedaling are likely being sent to Zwift from your trainer. You might want to run a manual spin down calibration on your trainer in the manufacturer’s app to see if you can address those “junk watts.” If they continue to show up afterwards, I recommend contacting support for your trainer to confirm it’s not a hardware issue. If you’re still having issues after that, we can be confident that the root cause is something in Zwift.

I have 3 setups.

1 wahoo kickr bike shift, connecting with BT, works ok, but now I feel I need to retest it.

1 wahoo kickr v5 with direct connect LAN connected with race mode, works perfect

1 Zwift Ride with the wahoo kickr core with virtual shifting connected with BT, giving me these issues.

Will try to make more tests when I have some time to dig into it more :+1: