Steering being overpowered

Shows my ignorance, didnt realise you got a draft apart from off-team members in a TT? Every day is a school day for me!

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I love the point about being able to steer into one or two lanes that non-steerers can’t - this is exactly the issue I’m seeing and a great way to put it!

I think altering the bounds available, to both steers and non-steerers to make these equal and equally likely would go a long way.

There is definitely a skilful aspect to using steering effectively, and it’s a skill that teams are starting to figure out. But the ‘lane’ finding is the big thing - thanks for clearing it up with that terminology!

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There is some good news to the folks who aren’t steering capable and think cutting corners is always the best way around to be fair lol

On very steep climbs, it’s sometimes actually SLOWER to cut the corners more, because the gradient is significantly increased, from say going out towards the middle / outside even; where, yes the distance is increased, but the gradient isn’t as severe.

So it’s always a good time to watch someone learn that the hard way :laughing:

This is particularly noticeable in some of the Climb portals, along with the island climbs heading up towards Epic; with the super tight turnaround points; where the inside gradient can climb out to like 10% more on the inside of the turn vs the outside.
If you can carry momentum through them you can make it work; but the folks that … don’t, basically come to a standstill which is always hilarious.

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90% sure it’s just a visual bug. i ride with a fast team and we have a mix of steering and non steering users, and when i see that i don’t worry about it as long as my own front wheel is still wedged into the asscrack of the guy i’m supposed to be drafting. what you see on your screen doesn’t necessarily reflect what other people see on their screens. a simple rule of thumb for drafting in TTTs is that if i’m out to the left, then i need to wait a second for one of my teammates to let me back in or i need to wake up and slot back in to the gap i was supposed to be in to begin with. if i’m lined up with the guy i need to be following, no problems

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Unsure; but I asked my other teammates if they were seeing the same and they said yes. Maybe not all simultaneously as I am familiar with not everyone being in the same place visually as where they might be on their end; but point being something is wrong there, and only seems to happen with riders with steering enabled.

Again what difference it makes; who actually knows, but it is unusual.

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If you use sauce, or any third party software that tells you how much draft you’re receiving, then when people in front are steering out to the left, the draft values will drop, which indicates that it may not be a visual bug. I guess the issue is when someone is steering to one side of the road, and holding it there, it is very hard to wedge your front wheel where the sun doesn’t shine. If they steer back towards the middle of the road, things are all good though. So I think the main issue is to do with the limits (left and right) that steerers vs non steerers can get to on the road

nah, i dont. ignorance is bliss when you’re a neurotic meathead like myself. the team i ride with is experienced, so our guys with steering are usually in the right place and it works mostly without a hitch, but i definitely agree with the general sentiment

in a scratch race, probably 5 or 6 times i’ve bridged across to a guy off the front with steering, saw him swing out to the left and then immediately dropped back to the peloton so i can tow them all onto his wheel. moderately satisfying for me to do in the moment, but not something i consider a positive racing experience for everyone involved

as a non steering user, i personally just consider ladder off limits. i love the format concept though and douglas is a real one… steering would really do my head in there. especially at my size

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Some great points here! The ladder is definitely great fun and been a great addition to my training and riding, but it has reached the point now where my team and I will request no steering in every race to keep things as even as possible

But I agree that things may be great in the moment and work sometimes, but when there’s a handful of people working together with steering, it really makes life difficult for us non-steerers with the current implementation of the algorithm. And as you say, it’s harder as a smaller/lighter rider (I’m 63.5kg) where it’s hard enough on the flat

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