I completed the full plan in 2021 right before the race season. I use WHOOP and it was showing some serious fatigue by the end of the plan and I needed a full week and a half off just to get my recovery scores back up. This plan calls for riding 7 days a week for 10-12 weeks. I think you need to be smart and chose your rest days in here, if you try and do every scheduled ride, 7 days a week you will just over train and do more harm than good in the long run.
That being said, I came out of this block in the best shape of my life. I ended up winning 6 out of 7 races (one 2nd place) and took the overall series for my age.
I’ve started the plan again for 2022. Unfortunately I started it a little late and the full plan is going to run past my 2nd race in the series, so it’ll be a challenge to battle the fatigue that you build up from this and being fresh for race day. This will result in me missing a few of the sessions on race week.
Overall it’s a legit plan that will get your legs ready for race season.