Shorter workout plans

Is it possible to have some shorter workout plans? My wife would like to use Zwift but has more limited time than me. There are currently only a few workouts that last 30min. Is it possible to have some more shorter HIIT plans from about 20 min to 40 min in length for days when time is limited?

It would be easier for her and more motivational to come home and do a shorter workout on Zwift in her own time then to plan around a gym session.


Same here! Would love 15-25 minute rides

Hi @Bob_Roswell, welcome to the forums.

Jump on Zwift workouts and training plans | What's on Zwift? and use the advanced search for whichever types/duration you want. If on a PC or Mac, you can upload it to Zwift, otherwise you can simply recreate in Zwift using custom workout maker. Note that WoZ seems to have all Zwift workouts as well so is useful just to be able to search for those and find out where they are hiding!

Take a look at the Baby on board plan, all workouts are 30 - 40 minutes long.