Short rides not saving

From time to time I’ll do short rides of 1 or 2 miles as a brief warmup before a longer scheduled ride. I always go through the normal process of ending the ride and saving it. Then I go on to my scheduled ride. Most of the time these short warmup rides do not show up in my activities, and accordingly the miles from these rides nowhere show up in my activity. Does anyone know why this would occur? I have no problems whatsoever with the longer rides saving; just the short ones. The most recent time this happened was yesterday. I don’t ride using the Companion app. I use the main Zwift app. I always run it the same way, on my iphone.

I believe the minimum distance might be 2km, so a 1mi ride should not save, but a 2mi ride should…

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First I’ve heard of this. Thanks for sharing.

you are correct

knowing zwift it is probably because it just looks for minimum of 2 regardless of units.