Hello. I bought a tacx neo 2t on Zwift shop which has now gone faulty.
Tacx want proof of purchase and somehow I don’t have the order confirmation email from Zwift. But also, in my account under “my orders” it doesn’t have any record of shop purchases, only monthly subs. I’ve emailed support and got no reply so figured I’d try here. Am I looking in the wrong place?
Can you show Tacx a copy of your credit card statement (bank account, whatever) showing the purchase? I would think that a payment to Zwift for the cost of a Neo 2T couldn’t really be anything else.
I’d try to get it back to Zwift and get your money back. Then buy something from a good LBS where you can get things fixed and sorted face to face. I had two Neo’s fail on me both bought from differing LBS. No problem either time to get a full refund.
I would have thought that the serial No. would have helped Tacx realise when it was possibly purchased and you should have 2 years warranty.
I wouldn’t deal with them though, as you could go through this process a number of times, mean while your warranty is shrinking. I thought I was on to a good thing when I got the Neo 2T after my Neo 2 died, upgraded internals etc, it gave up even quicker than my original.
Hope you find a solution.