Set a PR up the Alpe with our Event Pace Partners!

Hey everyone,

From Wednesday to Friday, we’re running a series of events, using Event Pace Partners to run up the Alpe at 49, 59, 69, 89 and 119 minutes pace.

They’ll complete the lead in at half pace, before hitting the climb.

If you’ve been looking for an excuse to try and make the climb in under an hour, here’s the event for you!

Just pick the Event Pace Partner that best suits the time you want to try and achieve and have fun!


Thanks James :+1:

James, will there be set start times for each “event” rather than being launched into the group at an indeterminate part of the route?

These are just group rides but with an Event Pace Partner as the ride leader. So they’ll start from the pen like with any other group ride.


Thanks James.

Sorry, I didn’t realise that was an actual event link that was included in your original post…duh! It’s been a long day.

I hear you!

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Kudos :ok_hand: @James_Zwift . Staggering the start times is always a plus.

I won’t be setting a PR, but I’ll tag along with the D group. :smiley:

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This is a cool idea. I don’t think I’ll be doing one of the rides since I’ve done the Alpe so many times this winter, already have the 60 min badge, and don’t think there’s any chance I could sustain the faster 49 min pace for that length of time, but I’m glad these events are set up. Maybe I can try the 49 min pace and see where I get dropped :slight_smile:

Looking forward to this. Recently at 62 minutes after going hard on the lead-in on Tour of Fire and Ice, so it seems possible. It would help to have some new inspirational messages:

You’re sweating already?
Does this hurt yet?
You look tired but I’m fresh as a daisy
Is that your pain face?

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Ha, yeah, maybe some custom comments would be fun for this one. You could have one of the bot levels be super motivational, and one that just complains the whole way up… “Is this over yet?” “How are we only halfway?” “Should have worn my aero socks!”, “Anyone else dying in here?” “Should have stayed in bed today!” “Anyone want to help give me a push?”


Just pacing for now :slight_smile:

I thought it would be pretty cool if I could time messages based on the turn you are on with some history about the climb.

And obviously generic pedal harder comments.


This sounds like a good plan – will do my best to get on at least one of these rides. Thank you, James, for having this run over a number of days (including bleeding into Saturday morning in Europe) and an array of start times. I think I’ve only ever done one group ride (no races at all) up the Alpe, leaving that grind for solo suffering sessions. Maybe it’ll feel easier with a steady PP… :thinking:

I like the sound of the slower pace in the approach to the start of the ascent. Usually I’d ride an MTB for the first 5km of Road to Sky and then stop to switch to my lightest frame and wheels for the Alpe itself. This way, we can start with the lighter kit and not have to worry about being dropped by the bot, who will presumably be on a Concept Z1/tron, as usual.

An old issue, I know, but I still find it weird that there’s no route name visible when looking at the linked events on zwift dot com/events. Fortunately we have Companion that does supply the info. I suspected this would be on Road to Sky from context, but it could be useful in the blurb, too, just to be crystal clear for everyone.

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Blockquote I know, but I still find it weird that there’s no route name visible when looking at the linked events on zwift dot com/events .

My workflow is to search events on the zwifthacks, check out the route on zwiftinsider, check the zwift app to see if I have the badge and then book in for the event in companion. I’d like to be able to do a lot more on the just zwift site (ie when I’m at my desk) :stuck_out_tongue:

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Brilliant! Thanks @James_Zwift

Any chance of the results of these rides showing up on ZwiftPower segments?

I’ve done the AdZ four times, but only one result is shown on the ZP segments page (the worst one, obviously :confused: )

They will.

Organisers need to set the Alpe to be distance based due to a long standing issues with primes and finish line.

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I think you are having a bit too much fun with naming all these new pace partners James.

Two questions…

  1. Does this mean we will see you @James_Zwift on the alp ? :wink::grin:

  2. Where is the A+++++ PP for the Zpower riders doing low 30 minutes alpes ? :roll_eyes::grin:


I’m doing the B one on Wednesday at 2pm UK time :slight_smile:

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