Search or bookmark for workouts

I would love a way to quickly get to a particular workout. I would like to be able to search by title in the workout section and/or bookmark favorite workouts.

Search by Title - if you mean type in a keyword and it will search for that keyword then I don’t think that is currently possible. However, possibly stating the obvious, but when you search for workouts in Companion App you can ask to list them in alphabetical order. Not great as many are headed up with a number but that may help you scroll,quickly to find what you are looking for.

In Game the workouts are already sorted alphabetically.

Bookmark/Favorite workouts: depending how many you want to bookmark it may just be easier to save the ones you really want into your Custom Workouts folder. (Custom workout folder can only be found In Game not through Companion App)

You actually can Favorite workouts or create your own sub folders within your Custom Workouts. To save re-writing what to do please see this previous post:

If you have any follow up questions please do ask.