RoadCaptain future development

Hi all!

I’m trying to figure out what to focus on for the upcoming releases of RoadCaptain and I’d like to ask the community what people would like to see next!

  • Add Makuri Islands
  • Add features to Route Builder
  • Add features to Runner
  • Support macOS
  • Support Linux

0 voters

If you have other suggestions feel free to reply here or on Github: GitHub - sandermvanvliet/RoadCaptain: Build and ride custom routes in Zwift :+1:

Just wanted to say after reading your GitHub that this project looks really interesting. I’ve not tried it yet - just need to find a bit of time to do so :slight_smile:

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I’ve tried it several times and it’s really nice to be able to custom-make some new routes to add some variation into free riding!

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Not interested by proposed features.

A sneak peak at a build of Route Builder for macOS:

It’ll take some more work but the results so far look promising :+1:


@xflintx anything like this in the plan for Zwift? it would be great to have custom routes and Sanders interface looks great. really simple to use. RGT has magic roads which will surely improve with their new investment. Giving organisers access to custom routes could add some interest to events and races

The release for MacOS is coming along nicely, I expect to publish the first builds next week for testing :+1:

More info on progress can be found over on the github issue: Support macOS and Linux · Issue #69 · sandermvanvliet/RoadCaptain · GitHub


I’m really stoked to be able to share with you the first test build for RoadCaptain on macOS! :tada::tada:

This build should be fully functional but as always with test builds, some thing may not be super polished just yet :wink:

One known issue: When you log in to Zwift from RoadCaptain Runner the backspace key unfortunately does not work… So if you think you made a typo in your password, select everything in the field and type it again.

You can find the release on GitHub: Release · sandermvanvliet/RoadCaptain · GitHub :wink:


It’s official: macOS support is here! :tada::tada:

RoadCaptain is now available for Windows and macOS (native M1 build coming soon) with release

Download it here:


M-A-K-U-R-I … I-S-L-A-N-D-S …

Coming soon to RoadCaptain!


It’s here! RoadCaptain release adds Makuri Islands to build and ride routes!

Really happy to finally make this available, it’s been one of the most requested features. It’s still in BETA test mode so you may encounter some glitches. If you do please create an issue here on GitHub

Get it here for Windows and macOS



Hi all,

working on adding an elevation plot to the Route Builder and I could use some input on what it’s going to look like.

Currently I’ve got this as a work-in-progress version:

This includes elevation lines to quickly get a sense of scale of the climbs on your route.

Does it look useful? Any suggestions?


looks good to me, if you really want to make it fancy you could try colour code the incline to highlight the gradients.

That’s definitely on the list :wink:


Another feature that will land in the next release is better support for building a route which is a loop.
Route Builder will allow you to create a route that has a lead-in and then starts with the loop. You do this by selecting the segments to build a route and then “connect” to a segment earlier on your route.
The result will look like this:

You can see in the segment list on the left that the route starts with a lead-in and then indicates the segments that form the loop.

The runner will use this information to keep you on the route while riding :ok_hand:


a “game changer” would be, if we could match the created routes to an appropriate workout for group-rides with rubber-banding/keep together. For example mountain-route mean high watts, low cadence. I know, it is nearly impossible but anyway :grinning:.

Heh for me to make that work the people at Zwift need to hire me :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
As it stands I have no way to make group rides work with RoadCaptain (at least I haven’t investigated but it seems very tricky)

You could of course start a group ride and have everyone use RoadCaptain at the same time but I’m not sure how well that would work

I wish RoadCaptain supported all worlds please.
I wanted to make a custom route to scout ride a route that is event only (Innsbruck KOM after party)
thanks for your hard work on this :slight_smile:

It should be relatively easy to add it but just to manage expectations: I’ve just started a new job so my time is a bit limited right now :grimacing:

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Innsbruck KOM After Party is available as a club event route