Rider legend time gap errors

My wife and I, riding two different smart trainers in the same room, have been experiencing serious time gap errors in the rider legends for the past 2-3 weeks. Some rides are better than others, but mostly the errors exist.

Riders can be shown anything from seconds to minutes behind, and will suddenly appear on screen immediately behind, or flying past, despite the time gap on the screen remaining.

The same happens for riders ahead.

Other riders around the world are experiencing the same problem as the subject comes up in ‘chat’ during group rides.

Can Zwift please do something about this, and soon!

This has been a problem for years and years, if Zwift knew how to fix it then I suspect they would’ve already. It is even worse in certain events and meetups where you can be right next to someone and it shows them seconds or minutes ahead or behind, it is very frustrating.

The reason it’s often inaccurate is that it assumes a fixed speed (for every single rider) to make up the distance, and that distance is sometimes roughly right but very often miles off (e.g. on a steep ascent/descent).

and for meetups I think it has to do with the different starting locations along the spawn point on the road, it seems to hold onto that distance from the start and never updates.

Our problem has only existed for the past few weeks. For the first three years of our Zwift experience it was all perfectly fine, and somewhere near right. Why should it all suddenly go wrong?

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It does seem that perhaps it’s got worse recently, though this is anecdotal.

Even odder is when you see someone coming the other way show up in the Rider Nearby list with a time ahead or behind of over 10 minutes.