Rider Endorsements for positive behaviours

It would be good if we could recognise good riding in organised group rides. I’m new and the ones I’ve done have been up to an hour of the leader constantly asking with little effect for the front to slow down. This defiantly takes away from the experience.

I understand there is a mechanism called the fence that can be used to prevent this happening but it would be better if good riding was rewarded.

In games like Overwatch which rely on teamwork, they use an endorsement system that is used post-game to recognise behavior which results in a more enjoyable game experience. Recipients are given XP points (drops) as a reward. If introduced in Zwift you could also level up in these categories and get kits etc. From my early experience I’d suggest group riding, or dropping back to help would be nice to recognise and reward specifically or in races taking long turns at the front of groups.