Resistance doesn't ajust

Hello everyone,

First of all, sorry for my english.

I’m new into the Zwift community.
I have an issue with the automatic change of the resistance of my bike with Zwift.

During the first step of the tutorial, the race start at the very beginning with a text saying “Did you feel that ?” and as I understand it, my bike is supposed to up the resistance because there is an ascent in the game.
However, nothing change.

When I sync my bike during when the app is starting, I use “Source of power” and choose my bike.
Then, in the menu, I have 3 options selected and connected as you can see on this image :

In the parameters, it seems that there is a “coach difficulty” parameter that could have an impact. Default configuration was in the middle, I did set it at max to see it anything changed but no.

I have tried with Kinomap and the difficulty in the app was correctly updating the difficulty on my bike.
I’m not so sure what I could try.
My phone is an Iphone 15, iOS 18.1.1. App is updated.
My bike is a Domyos Training bike 900.

Thanks by advance for your help and have a nice day,

It sounds like the bike is not fully compatible with Zwift. Zwift does not officially support any of the Domyos bikes. Many spin bike owners use the QZ app to pair the bike to Zwift. That app can fix many compatibility problems. The developer is @Roberto_Viola and you can contact him through the GitHub page for the app: Issues · cagnulein/qdomyos-zwift · GitHub


Oh ok, I see.

Thanks for your answer, I’ll try that.

Let me know if you have any questions!

Hello Roberto,

I have downloaded the app and after a first test, it still doesn’t work.
However there are some many options, I’m not sure I have set everything correctly :smiley:

I’ve seen your email in the appstore comment, is it ok if I contact you by mail ?


Yes please