Regression bug returned - ipad quit event not on screen

This bug had been squashed previously but its back. when you hit the ipad screen to bring up the “end ride” and “Quiet event” options, they slide up the screen then slide back down so that the “Quit event” button is no longer on screen and usable. Makes quitting an event almost impossible, please squash this bug again. Thanks

Hi @Martin_Weller thanks for the report! I’m Norman from Zwift. Just to confirm I wanted to be sure if you’re talking about this bug:

If so, HQ was able to replace it and it’s working towards a solution! You can expect updates in that same thread I linked. If it’s something else, please post a screenshot so we can check it out.

Ride On.

Yep that’s the one, thanks @Norman
Ride on

Ipad Air M1 the same problem with quit and menu