Recovering from hip injury

Are the any basic programs for getting my fitness back?l fell from a ladder (8ft) . 7 weeks in I’m allowed to go on the turbo doctor’s permission. But a program would be helpful to encourage me to get going.

If you haven’t been on the bike at all yet, I would ease into it by doing some free rides with the Trainer Difficulty setting at zero, then see how you feel afterwards or the next day. Be prepared to cut it short based on feel.

I had a total hip replacement back in 2019,which put me off the bike for about 6 weeks, then I started off on the trainer for about 10 minutes a day, just to get it moving properly, then started doing shooter flat rides out on the road, just a12 mile flat loop with a pub stop at halfway.
Just listen to your body

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That’s sort of my plan to do 10 mins a day. There’s nowhere flat where I live so going to be relying on the turbo and hopefully some company on the Zwift

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The accident I had was early January, in June of the same year, I completed a local 70 mile sponsored ride, followed shortly afterwards by doing the Dunwich dynamo (the way we did it, it was 140 miles overnight), that year I clocked up a total of around 7000 miles (indoor and outdoor)

Paul’s advice is good. My wife had her knee replaced and was back on the bike in a couple of weeks doing free rides at very light settings. She finds banded rides even better as you get dragged along just by pedaling and you have some company.

Hi Kathleen. Good luck with your recovery. I had a bike crash back in November 2016 which required a total hip replacement.
I used the turbo trainer ( my Wattbike) to help regain movement and then regain fitness.
As per what others have start slowly, with little or no resistance and do short sessions. If you get pain, or are very tired etc, back off. If going well then increase very gradually. Keep getting medical advice and sessions with a Physio may well be very beneficial.
Best wishes!

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I replied to your question here:

Take it very cautiously. Follow doctors orders to the letter.

I’m cautious when they say weight bearing, does the doctor mean some standing and careful walking or on a trainer bike using Zwift.

If you go too far too soon you can set your recovery back - last thing you want is to have the bone stop healing.

My injury was a broken neck of femur which is one of the worst - I opted to get screws put in rather than hip replacement. So my recovery was longer.

Been on the turbo again today cycling feels ok. Only 10 mins though, I use a beer crate to climb on and off, that side of it is a tad hairy !


Oooh… :grimacing:

That bit worries me, be careful.

My setup was a Wahoo Kickr Bike on a rocker plate. So the rocker plate went for safety reasons and what I did was drop the height of the kickr bike so I could lift my bad leg over the top tube and then increase the height of the bike again. If I couldn’t do this I wouldn’t have been able to ride at all.

And I had my crutches right beside the bike.

Wishing you a speedy and smooth recovery.

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Hi yes it’s been bothering me too, only two days in and a bit sore. I’m using my injured leg to get over the bar.who was ok but I struggled to get off yesterday. Why? Surely I should use my good leg to go over? Otherwise all good the actual cycling is nice and slow and easy.


Easy then.

I’m guessing they’ve got you taking vitamin tablets and calcium? If you haven’t done it yet, your doctors/surgeon might suggest to get a blood test to check for any deficiencies there. They did that with me.

Given how weak everything is you’ve got to let things heal. I think my problem was getting too active too soon - hence why the bone didn’t heal up very fast.

I can understand it’s frustrating, but restraint will pay off.

If you’ve come from highly active life then it’s damn hard to adjust to the changes. But once it is properly healing you’ll be able to do more.

Us cyclists can be quite prone to these kinds of injuries if we aren’t careful.

Hi interesting and helpful info . I’m not on anything other than pain killers! I do have a doctors next Monday, so will add to my list of questions.
Annoying this accident involved falling off an 8ft ladder. Though I’ve had my fair share of bike accidents!

Taking something like these might be what they suggest:

They are the ones I take and recommendeded by my surgeon.