Racing Score Question

I’ve entered a race tomorrow (Tiny races) under the E category because my racing score is between 1-180. But there are a lot of people entered who have a racing score above 200. How can this happen? I’m not a strong rider and racing under the old categories was always about trying to not come last as I was outclassed by most of the riders. But I feel the competition is even tougher now. Why say 1-180 and let people enter who are above that? Maybe I’m missing something.

The check is made at the time you to register for the race, so people can enter and before the race begins their score could have increased. Zwift are planning to change this.

Ah ok, that makes sense.

Ty for the reply.

Tiny Races do not use the default pen ranges applied by ZwiftHQ.

Currently, Tiny Races pen E is 0-260.

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OK thanks. I’m not sure I like that. It’s a bit of a disincentive for weaker riders like myself.

Under the current iteration of Racing Score, 0-260 does cover quite an aerobic ability range, that exceeds the old Category Enforcement pen D limits (in past approx 2.8W/Kg average was often good for a podium spot).

I was very surprised to come 4th overall in pen E last Saturday in zone 2 from 1/2/27/18, barely managed to cling on to the rear of the lead group in first two races, dropped in the final two races.

260 is allowing some very capable old Category Enforcement Cs to join Tiny Races pen E.

The removal of 30sec power from the seed score used to initially place racers in Racing Score pens is supposed to be coming, as per the latest Racing Score thread from end of October.
It will be interesting to see how the seeding score formula changes after this and whether that makes the current 260 limit less challenging or not.

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Sounds interesting. I hope something works. It would be fun to be going toe-to-toe with other riders, something which I have experienced during the Herd Beginners races, but there aren’t many that enter those, sadly.

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Come back to HBR and bring all your friends!