Push notification via e-mail of updates

since Zwift can send me all sorts of e-mails it would be really nice if the sent out e-mails when an update occurs so that I can plan for the download. Not everybody can download and update in seconds it can take some of our system up to 20 minutes to download then be ready to roll. Knowing this would allow one to plan accordingly.

The companion app does have a update notification now (new feature added a few months ago), but you would need to open the app first to look for the notification 30 minutes or so before your planned ride to see if there is a pending update. Not exactly what you are asking for, but a workaround.

Good suggestion Ron - dont know how many times I have gone to my bike cave planning on xx minutes of executing my “getting ready” routine when the update means something gives (warmup normally). Could check earlier like Mike suggested but I’m busy with life so an email woudl be great.