Pairing garmin heart rate with my Zwift & NeoSmart combination


I can’t pair my garmin heart rate monitor with my combination zwift/NeoSmart

Normally I use my garmin heart rate with my 920xt

I never had to use the ant stick.

I have no laptop or desktop or similar device that has a blue tooth port because We are apple ipad/iPhone at 100%

So, all that being said, How can I successfully connect my garmin heart rate monitor to Zwift and/or NeoSmart?





You would need something like CABLE to bridge the ANT+ signal to a iPad/iPhone:

or you could get a Wahoo Tickr which is duel band.

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Thanks Paul.


That’s interesting. I read the reviews on the North Pole Engineering web site and there all positive so I’ll give it a try and will share the results.

Thank again!




Hi everyone,

after receiving Paul Allen suggestion to order that little electronic device called CABLE from North Pole Engineering that convert an ant+ signal into blue tooth so that my garmin heart rate device can be read by my iPad and Zwift apps, I gave it a try, ordered the device, just received it this week (took 8 working days from Minneapolis to Montreal Canada) .

Results: I followed the instructions, did activate the CABLE and It did pair immediately my heart rate monitor with Zwift. 

Thanks for the tip





Glad I could help you get up and running. Ride On!