Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge
Android 8.0.0.
Zwift v30 - 1.0.32197
I paired my kickr gen1 to the android beta app. I made sure it was paired for both power and resistance. I had already force stopped the companion app and unplugged the apple tv. I haven’t run any other apps that might pair to the kickr.
I tried to do a spin down but it failed over and over. The speed readout would stall at 3mph even though the Kickr had stopped spinning. I tried 6 times without success before giving up.
In-game while free riding in sim mode there was no resistance change with grade changes even though I set the resistance slider in settings to max. I also tried a workout in erg mode. I made sure that the erg mode radio button was checked, but the kickr did not adjust resistance to achieve the target wattages.