No female avatar options

So… what’s up with the fact that there aren’t any female customizations in the avatar builder for Zwift?!

Girls ride bikes too, you know.

Hi Alisa!

We have plenty of girls who ride bikes in the office!

If your account is set to Female, then you will have a female avatar with the same customization options that male avatars have, minus the facial hair.

If you need to change your gender setting, contact us at and let us know, and we can get that sorted out for you!


Ok, thanks!

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Can someone help me? My profile is set to female, but there are no female hairstyles?

Did you find any? Because I didn’t. :roll_eyes:

There’s definitely pony tail and plait options which you can select no matter which gender avatar you have.

Due to graphical reasons there is a limit to the length of an avatars hair.

Thank you for your response.

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Dang, she’s hard core. Snapped that chain like it was nothing.