Hi. I have set my profile to female, but when I click on avatar there are no female options. How do Zi change this. Thanks heaps.
In a recent update you select the body type by selecting the head type.
On the Zwift home screen you click on My Garage and then click on Me. It should default to the Head selection screen and there are 9 male and 9 female heads (you may need to scroll down to see the female heads). The head you select will determine the body type (male or female).
Here’s a video showing the entire process.
It is interesting how such a limited range of options nevertheless allows for avatars to bear a reasonable resemblance to the IRL rider.
But I agree with the video that a larger woman’s body size should be provided. As it is, even some professional cyclists have a stockier build than the heavier of the two, and most riders are not built like professional cyclists.
I suppose a separate option for breast size would have been prone to abuse by adolescent-minded males.
Hi @Michelle_Adams1, Welcome to our Zwfift forums community!
In addition to the great support already received, I want to share this article with more helpful avatar customization-related information.
It’s worth mentioning that once you select the Garage you will need to scroll down a little bit to select the female head type first and then, continue with the customization.
“I suppose a separate option for breast size would have been prone to abuse by adolescent-minded males” Surely not