New Zwifter and thoroughly impressed. Few questions/Thoughts/Suggestions...

Hi, I’ve recently received my invite and I’ve now done 3 riders and I’m thoroughly impressed. Even found myself trying to steer at one point!! :smiley:

Anyway Feedback / Questions / Suggestions…

  1. Down hill speeds seem awfully high for effort put in… 40mph+ Is this really right?
  2. Riders going in the opposite direction. Is this a feature which I don’t know how to toggle, or something else going on?
  3. Erratic Rider movements. I’ve noticed that sometimes drivers seem to change direction quite sharply and unexpectedly. Is this expected?
  4. Are there any plans to allow control of turbos as part of the rider, ie Wahoo Kickr?
  5. Maybe when a rider slows down and stops, they could move to the right of the road, rather than just stopping mid road? I know inactive riders are on the right.
  6. Is there a hint / tips page which helps with the running of Zwift with other apps, such as trainer road and an electronic Turbo, such as a Kickr? At the moment it looks like an electronics shop in front of my bike with a Macbook Pro running Zwift, Ipad for Trainer Road, Android phone for the Zwift Mobile Link App. For example is more than one ANT+ USB dongle required? - Sorry if I’m being dumb with this one, but I had a few problems, and have briefly scanned some similar comments.

Finally when is the Beta due to finish, and I’m assuming there will be a free & premium version, alla Strava, or is it going to be a straight monthly / annual fee?

Hope this is of use??

Keep up the good work. Having fun!
Ride Safe.


Oh, a couple of other points I’ve just remembered…
7. Text size (and possibly location) for chat messages.
I wear reading glasses, but not when I’m on the bike, so current text chat size is a bit small - Maybe an option to increase font size would help me personnally.
8. Sounds - Could we have a option to turn down some of the background "scenarios " sounds, personnaly I find some of the “Chat” and “Spoken phrases” aren’t that distiguishable from the background.

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Background Info - Macbook Pro Retina, Wahoo Kickr (latest firmware), Ipad air 1 (latest OS), Samsung S4 (Andriod v4.4.2), Giant Ridesense cadence / speed sensor and Garmin HRM

  1. Zwift will control your Kickr’s resistance now. The’ve got it tuned to be subtle, though, and it nowhere near matches the grades they display.

Thanks Christopher. That solved one of the points.