I’ve just found your correct email address. My fault, sorry - have emailed you.
I’ve installed the Beta of your app and it connected to the Hub first time (and very quickly).
I’ve tried changing the setting “Bike Options–>Zwift Resistance gain” from 1 to 4 and it seemed better on a free ride (I may have imagined it! ), but I had a workout to do (using ERG) and ran out of time to test further.
Is this the correct setting for me to use? If so, I’ll try and get the sweet spot later tonight and feedback to you.
Thanks again!
Hi @Craig_Smallman probably @DirtyHarry can advise better than me, but you can have better experience using the gears tiles! Let me know!
Hi @Craig_Smallman,
@Roberto_Viola is right, I have played around with the settings a bit and currently I use the following setup in his app:
I only visualize the 'Watts" and the ‘Gears’ tile
The Watts tile is just to check if it matches reasonable numbers / the onscreen display
The Gears setting allows you to adjust your gearing.
I found a setting between 4 and 8 to work best; I initially worried that this might be “cheating” Zwift, but as it seems power / Watts is what’s counting (also for the speed value you see in Zwift) and those values remain untouched.
The Gears tile just ‘increases’ your gearing so that you can put in more effort on the straights, e.g. with a typical MTB gearing.
Let me know if you want to discuss this further!
@Roberto_Viola: It seems that I have to readjust the setting in the Gears tile each time I start the app / a new Zwift session. Any chance of having that setting to be persisting?
perfect! no, no cheating at all because you’re increasing the resistance accordingly!
for the gears value saved, could you please open a github ticket? i will do tomorrow!
Thank you so much for your help on this. I’ve just tested it on on a free ride/circuit for about 35km and it is now perfect! I might change the gears from 4 to 5 to see what that is like, but it has made an incredible difference! It’s just like riding my MTB now!
So much fun!
I’m going to try and set up a shortcut on my iPhone next to
- turn on bluetooth
- open your app
- wait a few seconds (so it changes the gears on the hub)
- closes your app
- Connect to my speaker
- opens Apple Music and plays a playlist
- opens Zwift companion
Might get a bluetooth fan to auto start that too!
Anyway, thanks again, your app is fantastic!! If you want me to test anything for you @Roberto_Viola let me know (although I’m a beginner to all this I’ll help where I can!)
so glad that you like it!
Hi there. Total newbie here and glad to see this forum after my first couple of MTB rides with little resistance. How do I go about accessing this app? Really intrigued
hi download the qz app from the store (android or ios) and then contact me with the email that you find on the app
let me know
Hi Roberto. I’m almost set. I have the app on my phone open. It says “Zwift Hub Found”. I see the various tiles on the app but don’t see “Gears” on there anywhere - I have speed, cadence, elev.gain, etc. It is named something else?
Think I found it. Had to go into “settings”, “bike options”, “tiles options” and select “gears”.
yes exactly
Hi @Robert_Zsigo,
you’ve probably already found the solution; if not, you’re on track: Activate the ‘Gears’ tile (and you might want to disable others that you don’t need or use to keep things clearly arranged). Then all you need to do is connect your phone (or other device) running @Roberto_Viola s QZ app to Zwift and start pedaling.
You can then simply adjust the resistance via the ‘Gears’ tile in the QZ app.
Play around with it to find the correct setting for you. I’d suggest something between 4 and 8 if you’re running a 12 speed MTB setup (so something like 32, 10-52) like me.
Using QZ was a total game changer for me!
Awesome you created this, Roberto. Not sure if you have a user manual of some sort, but just want to confirm the following:
- I turn on the Hub and open your QZ Fitness app;
- Ensure the app recognizes the Hub;
- Up the gear variable (based on rider input, 4-6 range for starters) and this will give me more resistance on flats?
I assume once I’ve done all of that, I can open the Zwift app and start biking.
Let me know if that sounds right. Thanks!
Thanks a lot Dirty Harry! [I love typing that]. I’ve gone through the chat and think I’m not doing something right. I upped the gear thingy to 5 and still felt like there was not much resistance. I have a SRAM 10-50T 12 speed on there.
Thanks goodness for this forum. Looking forward to having this thing dialed in. Even though I’m having some early problems I’m still getting some good sweats on my basement!
If you guys are willing, once it is explained to this buffoon (I’m referring to me, BTW) how I set all of this up this forum will be a good “go-to” for future MTBers Zwifting. Pre-emptively appreciate everyone’s patience with me!
@DirtyHarry do you have a youtube channel? otherwise if you record some video i can put them together and we should create a video to show the users your setup. let me know!
Unfortunately, I don’t have a YouTube channel, I’m generally not a lot involved in social media, kind of a bit overly concerned privacy weirdo over here.
Still, I could probably put something together, although I’d ask you for a few days to complete this.
I’d recommend you to go through the settings of the QZ app step by step.
Here’s what I did:
Fill in the info in General Options
Adjust the Bike Options : Change ‘Rolling Resistance Factor’ to 0.012 as recommended; I put in 14 kg for the ‘Bike Weight’. Didn’t change anything else here.
In Tiles Options I disabled everything except for ‘Watt’ and ‘Gears’
And that’s more or like it.
Be sure that you connect your Zwift Hub to Zwift via the QZ app! You have to select the device running the QZ app to connect to Zwift, NOT the Zwift Hub directly!
Give it another try and let me know how it’s going for you!
Thanks a tonne for that intel!!
sure no problem!