New Halo Bikes, New Drop Shop Bikes [March 2025]

They did the testing in Specialized’s Win Tunnel, so maybe they get to keep the top spot.


It has also been released when southern hemisphere also has fairly nice weather for riding outside.

Today is 32ºC, tomorrow 30ºC, Saturday 28ºC and Sunday 27ºC. I’m sure there is a great conspiracy against those northern hemisphere folks. :wink:

Will there be any “big spin” style shortcuts so people can have fun gaming the system to get the upgrades faster? :cowboy_hat_face:

Do we get a credit for the bikes retired if owned?

No, you get to keep every one of them in your garage.

This is all fine and dandy but is there any news on ZRS improvements which is what is most needed in the Zwift racing world rather than new bike and frame complexity to get our head around? We have been waiting several months now. @shooj

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I’m doing a battle on all three fronts.
Ride up the Alp for my Aethos, down on my Dogma for the mileage (is there a word for the km?), then I need six hours on my Cadex. Then, once I have all three unlocked, I have to pay for the upgrades that I earned? It doesn’t give the cost until you reach it.

I just need 2000 meters climbing and 200 kilometers with the six hours of time-trialing.

Or, I can unlock/upgrade three Zwift bikes that I never use, so that I can pay to upgrade my Tron bike? Hard Pass.

Extracted from game files:

		"distance": [100, 130, 160, 190, 220],
		"elevation": [1000, 1250, 1500, 1750, 2000],
		"time": ["02:00", "03:00", "04:00", "05:00", "06:00"],
		"price": [25000, 50000, 75000, 100000, 150000]
		"distance": [160, 200, 240, 280, 320],
		"elevation": [1550, 1900, 2250, 2600, 2950],
		"time": ["04:00", "05:00", "06:00", "07:00", "08:00"],
		"price": [50000, 100000, 150000, 200000, 250000]
		"distance": [200, 260, 320, 380, 440],
		"elevation": [2000, 2500, 3000, 3500, 4000],
		"time": ["06:00", "07:00", "08:00", "09:00", "10:00"],
		"price": [100000, 200000, 350000, 500000, 750000]
		"distance": [550, 1050, 1600, 2150, 2650],
		"elevation": [11000, 13000, 15000, 17000, 19000],
		"time": ["20:00", "1 day, 06:00", "1 day, 16:00", "2 days, 02:00", "2 days, 12:00"],
		"price": [400000, 800000, 1200000, 2600000, 5000000]

Cheers - useful.

What do the “time” indications refer to in relation to distance and elevation?


The ‘time’ numbers for the ‘concept’ bikes look odd. :thinking:

Some bikes (TT, I think) have to be ridden for a certain amount of time to earn the upgrades.

Looking at it again, I think I know what’s going on, the values are all needed (like a JSON), even though they aren’t necessarily used.

They also don’t tell you what the up grade will actually be.
I hope I don’t get gloves again, I always get gloves.

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Some bikes require ride time to level up, some require distance and some require elevation.

AlliedAble2022: distance_midrange
BMCRoadMachine2021: distance_midrange
BmcSLR01: distance_highend
BmcTeamMachine2022: distance_highend
BmcTimemachine01: time_midrange
BridgestoneOVS2021: elevation_midrange
BuffaloFahrrad: distance_entry
BuffaloQhubeka: distance_entry
CadexTri2022: time_highend
CannondaleCAAD132023: distance_midrange
CannondaleCaad12: distance_entry
CannondaleEvo: distance_midrange
CannondalePong: distance_concept
CannondaleSuperSixEVO2020: distance_highend
CannondaleSuperSixEVOLAB712024: distance_highend
CannondaleSynapse2018.xml: distance_entry
CannondaleSystemSix2019.xml: distance_midrange
CanyonAeroad2021: distance_highend
CanyonAeroad2024: distance_highend
CanyonAeroad: distance_midrange
CanyonAeroadSRAM2024: distance_highend
CanyonAeroadTeamEdition: distance_highend
CanyonGrailGravel: distance_midrange
CanyonInflite2019: distance_entry
CanyonLuxMountainBike2019: elevation_midrange
CanyonSRAMUltimate2022: distance_highend
CanyonSpeedmaxCRSLXDisc2021: time_highend
CanyonSpeedmax: time_midrange
CanyonSpeedmaxTeamEdition: time_midrange
CanyonUltimate2021: distance_highend
CanyonUltimate: distance_midrange
Cello: distance_midrange
CerveloAspero2020: distance_midrange
CerveloP5: time_midrange
CerveloP5x: distance_highend
CerveloR5: distance_midrange
CerveloS3D: distance_midrange
CerveloS52021: distance_highend
CerveloS5: distance_midrange
Chapter2KOKO2022: distance_highend
Chapter2Rere2019: distance_midrange
Chapter2TOA2021: distance_midrange
Chapter2Tere2019: distance_entry
ColnagoV3RS2020: distance_highend
CubeAerium2019: time_highend
CubeLitening2018: distance_midrange
CubeLitening2021: distance_highend
DefaultOrange: distance_entry
DiamondBackAndean: time_highend
Dogma65.1: distance_midrange
FactorOne2020: distance_highend
FeltAR2018: distance_midrange
FeltFR2022: distance_highend
FeltIA2019: time_highend
FeltTT2021: time_highend
FocusIzalcoMax2020: distance_midrange
GiantDefy: distance_midrange
GiantPropelAdvanced.xml: distance_highend
GiantRevolt2022: distance_midrange
GiantTCRAdvancedSL2021: distance_highend
LaufTrueGrit2021: distance_midrange
LivDevote2022: distance_midrange
LivLangma2021: distance_midrange
LivLangmaAdvSL: time_highend
MeridaScultura2020: time_midrange
MootsVamoots2021: distance_highend
MosaicRT12022: distance_midrange
ParleeESX: distance_entry
ParleeRZ72020: distance_highend
PinarelloBolideTT2018: time_highend
PinarelloDogmaF102019: distance_highend
PinarelloDogmaF122020: distance_highend
PinarelloDogmaF142021: distance_highend
PinarelloDogmaF2024: distance_highend
PinarelloDogmaX2024: distance_highend
PinarelloEspada: time_concept
PinarelloF8: distance_midrange
PinarelloTT: time_midrange
QuintanaVPR2022: time_highend
RibbleEndurance2019: distance_entry
RidleyHelium: distance_midrange
RidleyNoahFast2019: distance_highend
SWorksTarmacSL82024: distance_highend
ScottAddict2021: distance_midrange
ScottFoil2022: distance_highend
ScottFoil: distance_midrange
ScottPlasma2019: time_midrange
ScottPlasma2022: time_highend
ScottSparkMTB2022: elevation_highend
ScottSparkMountainBike2019: elevation_midrange
SpecializedAethos2021: elevation_highend
SpecializedAllez: distance_entry
SpecializedAllezSprint2019: distance_midrange
SpecializedAmira: distance_entry
SpecializedAmiraSworks: distance_midrange
SpecializedCrux2022: distance_highend
SpecializedDiverge2022: distance_midrange
SpecializedEpic2020: elevation_highend
SpecializedProject74: distance_concept
SpecializedRoubaix: distance_midrange
SpecializedRoubaixSworks: time_highend
SpecializedRuby: distance_entry
SpecializedRubySworks: distance_midrange
SpecializedShiv2019: time_highend
SpecializedShiv: time_highend
SpecializedShivSworks: time_highend
SpecializedTarmac2021: distance_highend
SpecializedTarmac: distance_midrange
SpecializedTarmacMixtape: distance_midrange
SpecializedTarmacPro: distance_midrange
SpecializedTarmacSL82024: distance_highend
SpecializedTarmacSram2021: distance_highend
SpecializedVenge: distance_midrange
SpecializedVengeSworks: distance_highend
Trek: distance_entry
TrekEmonda: elevation_highend
TrekEmondaSL: elevation_entry
TrekMadone: distance_highend
TrekSpeedConcept2021: time_highend
TrekSuperCaliber2020: elevation_highend
UraniumNuclear2021: distance_midrange
VanRyselEDR2021: distance_midrange
VentumNS12022: distance_midrange
VentumOne: distance_highend
ZwiftAero: distance_entry
ZwiftBWConcept: distance_entry
ZwiftBW: distance_entry
ZwiftBat: distance_entry
ZwiftBigSpin2025: distance_entry
ZwiftBigSpinCruiser2024: distance_entry
ZwiftCarbon: distance_entry
ZwiftConcept: distance_concept
ZwiftConceptGold: distance_concept
ZwiftGravel: distance_entry
ZwiftHandcycle: distance_entry
ZwiftMountain: elevation_entry
ZwiftSafety: distance_entry
ZwiftSkeletal: distance_entry
ZwiftSteel: distance_entry
ZwiftTT: time_entry

Yes, I converted to hours and didn’t notice some take more than a day.

Here are the raw numbers:

		"distance": [100000, 130000, 160000, 190000, 220000],
		"elevation": [1000, 1250, 1500, 1750, 2000],
		"time": [7200, 10800, 14400, 18000, 21600],
		"price": [25000, 50000, 75000, 100000, 150000]
		"distance": [160000, 200000, 240000, 280000, 320000],
		"elevation": [1550, 1900, 2250, 2600, 2950],
		"time": [14400, 18000, 21600, 25200, 28800],
		"price": [50000, 100000, 150000, 200000, 250000]
		"distance": [200000, 260000, 320000, 380000, 440000],
		"elevation": [2000, 2500, 3000, 3500, 4000],
		"time": [21600, 25200, 28800, 32400, 36000],
		"price": [100000, 200000, 350000, 500000, 750000]
		"distance": [550000, 1050000, 1600000, 2150000, 2650000],
		"elevation": [11000, 13000, 15000, 17000, 19000],
		"time": [72000, 108000, 144000, 180000, 216000],
		"price": [400000, 800000, 1200000, 2600000, 5000000]

If you were here I’d buy you a coffee! :clap: Excellent post.

Someone at zwift really doesn’t like BMC.
SLR01 classified as High End but has aero and climb stats worse than the Entry Chapter2 Tere

You could let him Coffee Stop off you :laughing:

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What is high end or fast in real life (which I assume is what they mean) doesn’t match up with Zwift. Something like an S5 2020 is still a really fast bike IRL - but slow in Zwift. There are other examples of the same. Just

One other problem in Zwift is the star system is too limited - not granular enough.

Zwift ranks both the S5 2015 and 2020 among the fastest bikes on flat roads, and mid-range for climbing.
The high end, midrange, and entry levels directly relate to the effort needed to upgrade them. They also seem to be linked to the unlock level and the drop shop price.
For that BMC they’re charging high end prices for entry level performance.

Agree about the star ratings. I’d much rather see each bike given a rating out of say 10 stars for aero and weight, and those ratings to exactly match the performance. Have a number of different bikes with identical performance so you can choose your favourite without it making you slower.

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Hmm, that bike doesn’t exist any more in Zwift. That was the Bahrain Merida bike:

I only saw that once. It’s no longer in the game files. The rider using that bike was so damn fast!