So my first race went by in a flash and had a bit of glitch that meant I complete lost the pack by about 20seconds.
So second time race and easier to get some of the info into my head . So I have a few questions regarding category and “sandbagging”
Is the suggested Cat w/kg based on a particular amount of time? I have raced a few 11km crits and am slightly out with my cat figures , but this is a 17min race so? So is the cat based on suggested race length or a certain amount of time (FTP?)
What are the racing ethics of higher cat riders taking part in lower cats? Does this term define a sandbagger? Even if that w/kg might be part of their training? I only asked because I joined an anti-sandbagging crit and some of the faster racers I my cat has 130bpm HR and very professional looking pictures. Out of curiosity I checked one profile which had Cat A races (not signed up to zwift power). Now if the above does define sandbagging then how is this being missed by anti-sandbagging?