Load workouts using the companion app

Hi Zwift,

Given that it is almost impossible to browse the workouts menu using Apple TV and the associated remote, please consider adding the ability to choose a workout using the companion app.

the companion app does show the plan workout, it just can’t select it !!!

im getting more and more pissed off try to select a workout as part of a plan !

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I fully agree, it would be very nice to be able to select a workout from zwift companion prior to start or during a ride (just like you can do it now via Zwift sw).

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It would already be nice if you could browse/explore/seach workouts in the companion app.

I used to use Whatsonzwift to search for workouts, but after the reorganization of the workouts this no longer works for Whatsonzwift tells me the workouts is available on Zwift but then it isn’t. I plan workouts for club-rides so it’s vital that the workout is where i say it is.

So now I have to start my pc and Zwift just to search a workout and than go to the companion app to plan the event and tell which workout we will be doing.
Very cumbersome.

So please let us browse/search/select workouts in the companion app!

And/or even beter, let all the workouts being available in the club- section, but that’s another thread


They recently announced a Companion app ride queueing feature (for January release) that does mention workouts. I have no idea if this will include custom workouts as well, but you might find it useful.

Thanks Paul
missed that announcment, looks promesing, let’s wait and see.

The companion app should be my hub for everything Zwift beyond just playing the game. It’s a frustrating UX when not actively riding.