Limit weight changes to +/- 2kg in a rolling 7 day period

Don’t tell me you didn’t have CE cheating in mind when you wrote this FR.

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Yes, but as the OP writes, it is cheating either way to change weigh unrealisticly (±2kg / week). Even if it end up being a dumb choice, the person tries to fool the system. Restricting weigh/heigh changes will be actual again when/if we get ranking points. Even if the categories are not based on these metrics, we must trust that those we race against are playing fair.
Zwift don’t have to implement hardware restrictions if not weigh/height restrictions are in place.

Far too many riders simply don’t update their weight frequently enough to reflect reality, some have magically stayed the same weight to one decimel place for years! :rofl:

I’m not saying we should all weigh ourselves and update everyday, but once a week is pretty reasonable.


It has been mentioned that smaller weight discrepancies will have little impact on the outcome of races. With a pretty stable weight, it is no point / unreasonable to update the weight with e.g. +0.1, -0.3, +0.2 kg. No one knows if that is your actual weight anyway. This FR is about bigger changes in weight AFAIU.

I didn’t have CE in mind when I wrote the feature request :roll_eyes:

As I have already said, the issue of changing weight to cheat is completely independent of whatever categorisation system might be in place. Or ranking system. Or points system. It will always be the easiest way to cheat unless something like the FR is implemented. You can do what you want with CE, it won’t change that.

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I hear you :roll_eyes:

I weigh before every ride and that limit would leave me riding at the wrong weight weekly.

I understand the weight doping problem and the healthy behaviours ideal, but don’t see how penalising fair users who accurately record their weight is a +ve step.

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Are you saying your weight often fluctuates more than 2kg in a week? If so: What would be a weight change threshold that would work for your case? 3kg, … 4kg? A certain percentage of bodyweight etc…

I lost 2kg yesterday #justsaying

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Not that unusual for a daily fluctuation (fluid loss or retention etc) but on a weekly basis it usually evens out somewhat, unless “you’re” on a mega binge or crash diet.

A rolling 7 day period seems reasonable, and better than nothing?

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I’ve been on a few diets where I’ve legitimately lost approx 4kg in. a week (and not a crash diet).

Fundamentally agree that weight needs to be monitored, but I don’t think a +/- 2kg rule is right.


James we need to chat. I only need 2 or 3 weeks of that. Please. :heart_eyes:


To be fair I was appox 100kg at the time!


Out of curiosity - how many weeks in a row did you lose that much? In the 2kg/wk model proposed you would be able to lose 8kg over the month, 16kg over 2 months… So, maybe for one or two weeks your weight might be a kg or so off but that would not last too long unless you can sustain that level for many weeks. I’m not saying 2kg is the right value (maybe it should be 3kg, or 4kg - or maybe it should be a percentage of body mass rather than a set mass) - but I would think the number of folks that can consistently lose that much for many weeks on end would be pretty small.

It was around 25kg over 6 months.

I understand the principle behind the idea, but folks would find it a bit unfair if they lost a good chunk of weight during a week and weren’t able to ride with that weight, even if they were able to reduce their weight further the week after.


I was in a similar situation to James, losing a lot of weight at one point, I’m kinda plateaued now.

Even still, my weight fluctuates, probably due to fluid retention, I’m a T1 Diabetic so sometimes I have no option but to eat and that will inevitably put weight on. Any heatwave also messes with me.

I just don’t think there is a one size approach.

Except taking no approach at all is likely even worse. I don’t know if you can easily accommodate all outlier possibilities.


Totally agree John.

Anything’s better than nothing. You sometimes feel like you’re banging your head against a brick wall.

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Better point out that being “a kg off” is an instant DQ and probably ban from ZRL races if you got called for a weight check. Their rules state 0.1kg precision, or at least they certainly did at some point (which is of course silly, but that’s another matter).

You simply cannot demand accurate weight while simultaneously imposing any meaningful restrictions on weight changes.

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