Day 2 on Zwift island. A few things I noticed today:
- While going for the Orange sprint point I could see a rider coming up behind me (based on his distance and speed indicated in the small popup flag on screen showing his name and the list of active riders on the right. I could tell he had passed me, but I couldn’t see his ‘rider’ on-screen. Suddenly his rider just appeared about 30m down the road in front of me. Some sort of laggy update?
Some minor UI notes:
2) Rider distance flag is obscured by Sprint/KOM graphic - while you’re going for a Sprint or a KOM there is a countdown graphic that displays at the bottom of the screen (which is great). Unfortunately in obscures the small flag graphic that shows you the names and distances of the riders around you. It would be nice to know in a sprint what others are doing.
- Some riders seem to have country flags in the rider list on the right, but not all of them. Mine doesn’t appear to have one. Is there some sort of logic as to who gets them?
Minor engine notes:
4) The shadows cast from the rider to the ground always seem to be offset from the contact point. Makes it look like everyone is floating a bit off the road.
- The atmosphere shader doesn’t seem to affect the ocean shader properly. While looking out over the water at the distant mountains, they are shrouded in atmo at times, but the water doesn’t appear to be affected by the same level of atmo.
- Love the random “reaching for waterbottle” animation on the riders - nice touch.