I’ll try it tomorrow and see how it goes
My JETBLACK had a wifi dropped out during a very important part of zwift racing league yesterday. Wasn’t too happy about that. I thought a huge reason for this trainer was for that not to happen?
I don’t feel a drag in ERG mode. I’m not sure if it’s related, but I do feel a difference when I’m outputting a set power (say 200W) and a set cadence (say 85rpm) when I’m in a low gear going up a hill and in a high gear on a flat. This does somewhat mimic outside for me, when going uphill I feel the resistance all the way round the pedal stroke, on a flat when going fast I feel dead/light spots as my momentum keeps the speed up. I’ve no idea how this is possible with virtual gearing, but I can see how it’s possible with real gears (although now I’m doubting why my own explanation makes any sense).
I assume you are using the Zwift cog. Which chain ring are you using? I didn’t read the instructions so I’m using my big chain ring (it’s an old MTB so it’s only a 42 tooth), if you’re using your small chain ring maybe try the big one? I think someone else on here posted that it felt better when they switched the Zwift cog out for a cassette, not sure if you have that option to try.
I see preview version 4.13.9 is now released. Code 04_13_09
Not sure what it claims to fix.
EDIT: I got in touch with JetBlack about 4.13.9 and they said I should not use this version. Weird thing is they said that was only for internal testing, so not sure why my code worked if it was meant to be internal.
No rollback available so they have to release an update.
I might have to jump on the trainer and see does it still work when on 4.13.9
My Jet Black Victory has been dean ever since I updated to firmware 04.13. It connects but will not read out speed, power, or cadence. I have two support tickets in of which the answer with some questions which I answered, but I have not heard back from them since Jan. 22, 2025. Before the firmware it worked great. I am very disappointed with the support. How has been for other people.
How are you running Zwift? Android, PC, Phone, Apple TV?
tried two different iPhones and Apple TV both wifi and bluetooth only, had no problem before firmware update, everything before worked perfect.
Mine worked fine before 4.13 then it didn’t work. Delete the Zwift apps off your phone and/or Apple TV and reinstall. It worked for me. for what that is worth.
good luck.
if you roll back 11 days on this post you can see some screen shots of my problem and a few posts later a post me saying I got it working, last post that day also has image but you might need to click on it to few it.
I came back here to see I anyone else thinks JB sucks…opened a ticket on the 19th and 10 days later, they’re asking me to ship the original defective unit back (tanked after the 4.13 update)…which I can’t without a box…
If I didn’t have alternatives for training…(insert your choice of threats/insults)
JB have been great with me. In spite of some vibration everything works well and they’ve been prompt.
I got a response finally after 12 days - they don’t we to accept as a return but instead ship back for repairs. Not sure I’m keen to spend more time dealing with it…
I’m running a 12 speed cassette. I usually do everything in the big ring up front.
Just a heads up that the Victory wasn’t compatible with my 2021 Giant TCR Disc (specifically the Advanced 1 model). The narrow part of the non-drive-side thru axle adapter was too short and this resulted in the thicker part of the adapter pushing against my chainstay (knocking off some paint and scratching the frame before I realized what was going on).
It’s possible that something is weird with my bike frame, but I’m posting because this could also be a general compatibility problem – the Jetblack adapter is similar to my original Kickr Core adapter before it was updated (in 2020 or 2021?) to address frame incompatibilities with some Giants, Treks, and Cervelos. The updated Kickr adapter features a much longer narrow section.
Hopefully this is just a one-off thing with my bike, but please make sure you don’t have this problem before fully tightening a 2021-2023 TCR onto a Victory.
I just wanted to share my experience as a datapoint. I was nervous about possible issues after reading this forum. I received my JBV from MEC in Canada on Tuesday. I had some power discrepancies at first, but since upgrading to 4.13.06
and doing a cold in-app spindown followed by a zwift with auto calibration at around 10’, these are my results.
See my data:
- analyze dcrainmaker com /#/public/ba2f739a-ba90-458c-50d3-ab3937a78e78
- analyze dcrainmaker com /#/public/6c3d7ce6-a5f4-4286-415a-cf3ac6ed1108
- analyze dcrainmaker com /#/public/58d5025e-8698-4cb6-58b9-b3710789ca13
- analyze dcrainmaker com /#/public/57619e5c-6acf-4b4d-4599-9907b44ea01d
As for other things:
- WiFi is rock solid on 5 GHz
- Bridging HRM from Garmin watch via Ant then over WiFi to Zwift is great
- no wobble due to offset flywheel
- I guess the cobblestone effect is there, but I had that with the Kickr Core. I use Zwift Ride frame
tldr; I’m very happy with my JetBlack Victory and have found power to be within +/- 2% of my Favero Assioma Duos once upgrading to 4.13.06
I’m also happy with the power when compared to my Assioma Duo’s. I’m unable to get the newer firmware and I’m stuck with BT only (04.13). It’s working fine but I’d be happier if WiFi worked. It’s present on the app so that’s not the issue. Cadence can still get a bit wonky but it settles down eventually.
What is the issue with your WiFi? My SSID had an apostrophe which doesn’t work with the WiFi module. I was able to get it to work on my travel router instead of changing my main WiFi SSID and updating everything else in the house.
There is no issue with my WiFi. The issue is the trainer not recognizing the network even though the app recognizes it.
4.13 has been working really well for me. I have not had a dropout, and power is spot on. Cadence is correct about 95% of the time.
Here’s last week’s ZRL points race:
I use a SRAM spindle PM (left side only), so some mismatches at sprinting is expected.
Thx, worked with actually canceling not pausing the sub.
Just curious, why are you unable to get the newer firmware updates?