Jet Black Victory

Thanks for the update, sounds positive!

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Is anyone else getting disconnection failure errors during rides? Iā€™ve had this error on both the wifi AND bluetooth connection now on the latest firmware. I wasnā€™t seeing this with bluetooth prior to 4.13.

Just rode for 100 minutes on WiFi without a single dropout or issue on latest firmware.

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Hi guys,
Been reading this forum a bit and thought it was time to contribute.
i pre ordered a JB V when i finally took delivery in November, straight out of the box the large pulley wheel was out of balance and had so much left to right movement in it, it was barely useable.
JB sent me a replacement right away.
Set up the new one and again was having rubbing issues. Contacted support again and they sent me a instruction on how to bend the guards so they wont rub ( this didnā€™t work ). Again contacted support to no reply.
I loosened the 6 screws to widen the gap in the plastic covers.

Used it on bluetooth connection until this week.
But it never felt right, coming off my old Kickr V2.

Extremely labouring to use, i can hold 4w/kg pretty comfortably, but its a constant battle to hold 3w/kg on the Victory, get to the top of the pedal stroke it feels like you have to get over a lump, theres no fluidity. Cad reading is also all over the place no where near accurate.

Tried connecting to Wifi to no luck, contacted support and they said update 4.13 is coming and that will sort issues. They also mentioned installing washers to rectify their design/quality flaws.
Installed 4.13, connected to wifi but then dropped out within 50 seconds of riding.

Im extremely disappointed in the JB V and sent off an email today saying they can have it back asking for a refund. Time to purchase the original plan pre Victory announcement, Kickr v6. I should never of wasted my time.


Sorry to hear about the problems youā€™ve had, the wrong side of the early adopter lottery.

Extremely labouring to use, i can hold 4w/kg pretty comfortably, but its a constant battle to hold 3w/kg on the Victory, get to the top of the pedal stroke it feels like you have to get over a lump, theres no fluidity.

Interesting you say this - I was beginning to think it was just me, new to Zwift and smart trainers had no point of reference but found it odd that I would be going okay on inclines, but flat sections and even downhill there was a decent amount of resistance so, on Tour de Zwift, Iā€™d be holding with the group climbing and get smoked once we were over the top.
If anyone else has the same, the firmware update fixed that particular problem, albeit this is the first report Iā€™ve noticed on it.

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This. I had these same experiences in Zwift. I requested an RMA, returned for refund, and immediately purchased the Kickr v6, coming from a v4.

WiFi continues to be a work in progress and cadence was a bit of an issue today but all in all, the Victory is working as expected with a Bluetooth connection.

I agree about the JetBlack just not ā€œfeelingā€ right. Itā€™s weird, sometimes the trainer just sort of feels like itā€™s putting the brakes on. When itā€™s not doing this, it seems decent.

Iā€™ve also updated to 4.13 and back to seeing about a -20w power drop compared to my Quark Crank based PM. This was just a segment of my ride today but you can see although the JBV tracks nicely, itā€™s consistently 15-25w lower. The avg power numbers are a little closer because I had a brief coffee stop and they both match on 0ā€™s. The number in (ā€¦) is excluding 0ā€™s.

This was my experience with 4.9 firmware, fixed in 4.12 (but added WiFi issues), broken again in 4.12.9 and now broken still in 4.13. Of course Iā€™ve done multiple spin downs, both warm and cold, manually and in-gameā€¦yada yada.

Iā€™m tired of beta testing this trainer for them, itā€™s going back. Whatever they sent to reviewers is a different build quality than what they are mass producing.


Itā€™s hard to explain the feeling to JetBlack support without sounding crazy. But I know I canā€™t be the only one.
I know itā€™s hard, I know thereā€™s no free wheeling, I know thereā€™s resistance but it just doesnā€™t as it should.
But itā€™s also my first time using the cog so I thought it could be that.

JB got back to me today accepting return and refunding.

Iā€™ve got a JBV on pre-order, due to be delivered at the end of Feb.
Iā€™m currently using a V5 Kickr. I would have ordered a V6 Kickr a couple of months ago, but feel thereā€™s bound to be a v7 out any time soon. Iā€™m also reluctant to give Wahoo any more of my money after them shafting the V5 owners with lack of virtual shifting. Thankfully QZ takes care of that.

Seeing so many people returning their JBV and having issues is making me wonder if I should cancel my pre-order. I guess I still have around 4 weeks to make that decision - so will keep an eye on any developments.

Iā€™ve been riding the trainer for almost a week now and I must say that I didnā€™t experience any issues yet, zero wifi drops, feels super stable. I also pair my HR monitor to the trainer as well. The trainer feels great in terms of responsiveness and resistance. I ran a test with my power2max and difference is about 1 watt so great results as well there. I must admit that the Zwift Cog causes a bit of a different feel, some people might be describing this as ā€œvibratingā€ even? But I think it needs to break in to my drivetrain as well.


Good to hear a positive note. Mine is being delivered tomorrow. Hoping for same results. I have a Kickr Snap wheel on. Hoping for big difference with this trainer.


I raced ZRL last night using Wifi and the HR bridge and didnā€™t have any dropouts or low-cadence issues. It looks like the latest firmware has worked :crossed_fingers:


The number of people posting here is still a small percentage of all the people who have purchased the JBV. Just something to keep in mind. And far fewer people post ā€œitā€™s working greatā€ posts than ā€œsomethingā€™s wrongā€ posts.


Another ā€žitā€˜s working greatā€œ voice. I already have more than 1000km on my trainer with several high intensity sessions (~400W range) and sprints (~1000W). Itā€˜s working flawless in all intensity ranges and I prefer the ride feeling over my Kickr V5. For me it feels more smooth. No dropouts or any other problems so far.


I regret buying mine. Mine feels like youā€™re always riding uphill all the time. Thereā€™s barely any resistance change.with the terrain. Up this week none of the new freatures have worked until the latest firmware. Now that Iā€™ve been trying to return it under the 30 day policy the support seems to be ghosting me now. This thing is cheap for a reason. Mineā€™s a $400 paper weight that will proably go in the trash soon so I donā€™t have to look at it any more.

Ha, turn off firmware preview, that did the trick!

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Check your Trainer Difficulty setting in Zwift. Set to zero that can cause the effect you describe.

This sounds like something else might be controlling or interfering with your trainer. Make sure nothing else is connected to your trainer via BT and any apps like the JetBlack one arenā€™t running in the background.

I had the same issue with my old Kickr V5, it was the Wahoo app on my phone still running in the background conflicting with Zwift. I now turn my phoneā€™s Bluetooth on and off before connecting to my trainer if Iā€™ve been using any phone apps before running Zwift.

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As others have said the majority on this thread are saying their units donā€™t work, but that isnā€™t the majority of people who have the victory. Iā€™m another that has a unit that is fine (seems to be within a few watts of my assiomas, I have no noticeable vibrations or braking effects). I did get one wifi disconnect on a long ride (around 90 minutes, all my other rides were under 75 min) pre firmware update and have done 1 long ride since with no dropouts.

I was replacing a broken unit (Neo 2 which overheated and had developed vibrations), I couldnā€™t justify the price of a new trainer purely for upgrade reasons and after getting it I would have preferred to save the money and stay on the Neo if it was still working. The new features (virtual shifting, easier to switch bikes, wifi, victory is better in erg mode switching between intervals) are all nice but imo not worth the cost just for upgrade sakes.

I was close to buying the kickr, but the positive reviews from gp llama and dcrainmaker persuaded me to go with the victory, here in Canada itā€™s a bit cheaper than the kickr core and about half the price of the kickr. For that price difference I was willing to take the risk on a new less proven product.

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