Inconsistent/incorrect distance elevation

Sorry if this has already been covered guys, I looked around and didn’t see anything exactly like this. When I select a course with set distance and climbing, it changes as I am on course. I’m not selecting arrows or turns in-course, just sticking to the route. For example my route today said 15.x miles and 550 ft of climbing or something around there. At 17 miles I already had climbed over 1000 ft and the ride still hadn’t ended yet. Am I doing something wrong? Something need to be calibrated again, etc?

The distance quoted is for the lap. The ride does not end when you finish the lap, you just keep going.for another lap. You also start before the lap begins so there is some extra distance/climbing from that as well. An extra 500 feet in a mile seems excessive though. What course were you on? Are you sure of the miles/elevation?

Can you post a link to Strava for this ride and it should be obvious if what I said above is the case.

Kevin it was one of the London loops, I can’t remember the name. Im not sure if my rides are saving to Strava or not, I’m still new to all this so I’m not sure how to see.

Just checked my Strava and none of my Zwift rides have been uploaded apparently.

Same here. Today, it showed the Greater London Loop at 281ft (its about 580) and the Greatest London Loop at around 500 (that’s about 1000).

Mark it was the Greatest loop that I rode, and it was ~1000 like you say. Wonder what the deal is, glad it’s not just me.

Happened this AM in Richmond too. It shows 257ft for the 2015 UCI Worlds Course.

In the slight chance support reads this, my set up is:

Apple TV 4k and the Companion App. Both were updated to the most recent version.

Thanks for posting the Picture, now I also understand.

Your game menu show 257ft of elevation gain but the strava segment (see below) show 467ft.

I know this is an old post but I had a similar issue over the weekend. The Gotham Grind route is shown to have an elevation gain of approx 96ft, but when I rode it in an event it was over 300ft per lap. So it seems like this issue still exists.

Here is the segment - Strava | Run and Cycling Tracking on the Social Network for Athletes

This is the event I entered - 54m of elevation gain quoted - ZwiftPower - Login

This is a screenshot of the elevation Zwiftrecorded over less than 1 lap

Ive been having the same problem. Went to ride a 10.1 mile route with around a 500 foot climb. 14.8 miles later and well over the set ascent, i’m still pedaling with no end in sight. Tried a 2.5 mile route after doing a wahoo ride spindiwn, factory spindown, and zwift calibration spindown. Didnt cross the dang finish until I traveled twice the route distance and twice the ascent. There is no rhyme or resson to any if this and Im considering canceling my subscription. I emailed and called zwift twice over the past three days and still have not received a response.

What route was this? Some routes have a lead in, as shown by the blue line on the map when you select the route.

If it was this event then i see the time look wrong.

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Yes, I think that’s it. The time is wrong because I got irritated that I wasn’t finishing the route in the distance that zwift advertised, shut down the computer, and had to go to work! But it has happened with a number of routes. If I choose a 5 mile route, my expectation is that SOMEWHERE around five miles, I’ll finish.

Watopia Wayfinder

    April 9

Went to ride a 10.1 mile route with around a 500 foot climb. 14.8 miles later and well over the set ascent

What route was this? Some routes have a lead in, as shown by the blue line on the map when you select the route.

If it was this event then i see the time look wrong.

Not to mention, my avatar has a mind of its own. Even though I’m maintaining a steady cadence, he suddenly starts screaming down the roadway at a whopping 165 rpm. Please tell me what gives…

Yes, I think that’s it. The time is wrong because I got irritated that I wasn’t finishing the route in the distance that zwift advertised, shut down the computer, and had to go to work! But it has happened with a number of routes. If I choose a 5 mile route, my expectation is that SOMEWHERE around five miles, I’ll finish.

Watopia Wayfinder

    April 9

Went to ride a 10.1 mile route with around a 500 foot climb. 14.8 miles later and well over the set ascent

What route was this? Some routes have a lead in, as shown by the blue line on the map when you select the route.

If it was this event then i see the time look wrong.