How To Find out What Motherboard I Have Windows 10

Assume you’ve just reinstalled Windows and need to get the drivers for the chipset, sound, and other components soldered to the motherboard. However, all disks and documents, on the whole, have the potential to be lost over time. And here’s the problem: how do I figure out what motherboard I have in Windows 10? If you buy a new video card or processor, for example, it will be difficult to determine the motherboard model until you know it. If you can find drivers using ID equipment, this will not work in the case of an upgrade.

You don’t, just run Windows Update and it’ll do it all for you. There’s literally nothing to do manually. In so far as it affects Zwift, this even includes the Nvidia driver and control panel - there are precisely nil stability or performance benefits to being on the latest version whatsoever.

That aside, just hit Start, type in system information and press enter. Baseboard Product is the motherboard model. But you absolutely don’t need to bother with any drivers, so don’t waste your time.

I’d rather use the manufacturer drivers over Microsoft drivers any day of the week

They’re the same*. For example: NVIDIA DCH/Standard Display Drivers for Windows 10 FAQ | NVIDIA

*I’m sure some differences exist/remain - the main one being how up to date they are. But we’re talking about Zwift; it makes literally no difference to anything.

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Hi Malik, thanks for reaching out to us!

Here is an article that shows different ways that you can check your Motherboard’s model in Windows 10!

Feel free to reach out with any questions or concerns; we would be happy to assist!

thanks for the motherboard window 10 suggestions beembuilds