Head Bang / Seizure Bug?

This has been going on for quite a while but recently seems to have become worse. My avatar starts head banging or having a seizure. It seems like it has to do something with the speed, happens around 50km a hour. It’s like the game can’t figure out if my avatar should be in the drops or on the handlebars. So it just bounces super quick between the two. Anyways here’s a video of it happening (sorry for the potato quality but it will give you a idea, its worse in game than in the video):

I have plenty of other ones as well. If it matters I am running Zwift on an AppleTV with a Kickr Bike. Hopefully, this can be looked at as it’s starting to get super irritating. If anyone needs further information let me know. I have other videos of this happening (seems to go on every ride now).

That is also the same spot where your avatar routinely stops turning the pedals over, and you can see that happening in your video too. Its been a visual bug for a long time.

I get that it’s been a visual bug and been around for a long time. But it seems like it’s happening a lot more frequently than before. Today I counted how many times it happened in a single ride. It happened 7 times in a single ride, all in different spots. It’s just really annoying.