Perhaps… But I think there’s a use case for this virtual reality, where we could both get a good workout, and who wins is the one who pushes their limits the most.
I can see not wanting to handicap by increasing ones speed, but there shouldn’t be any harm in handicapping by decreasing your speed. I envision being able to put together very competitive group rides with friends, where you are all on a pretty even playing field, that can’t happen in the real world. To me, this would be more fun than trying to compete for an e-peen ranking on the leaderboards, which will be rife with discepencies due to both unintended and intended cheating. (Enter a lower weight, you go faster. your trainer is out of spec, maybe you are faster. You deliberately screw with your kickr’s calibration, you go even faster: If you’ve ever spent any time in competitive gaming, you’ll have a good idea of the mindset)
My wife for instance, needs to gain a bit of experience with group riding, and the dynamics of drafting etc. Anything I can do to help her currently is pretty much an artificial simulation. I can see having Zwift as a simulator being very helpful. FWIW, I think she’d kick my butt all over the place, as she’s got a sprinter’s power profile