Halloween Pace Riders not fun

Even if they only decorate Watopia and left the other worlds plain, you would at least have the choice for a bit of fun :grin::grin:

This year was most disappointing.



Yes they tried not to anger the few that doesnā€™t like these fun things by making it optional to ride with the bot. But these bots are to hard to follow. So most people that wanted fun got frustrated.

At least last year we could get the costume free riding or in a workout.

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Wait what? Thereā€™s people who complain about the fun things? I guess people can complain about anything. I am about to start my attempt at the costume and I am already dreading it - I have a workout I should be doing and maybe Iā€™ll just end up doing it instead.

All I would want would be a cool scavenger hunt, some funny selectable costumes and some fun decorations around Watopia

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Yeah major meh

To be honest my biggest beef is that you lose the costume the second you are out of range.

I wanted to go up the Alpe in my Astronaut costume

And yeah the whole staying with the pace partner thing is annoying and a terrible workout as itā€™s always start and stop. Bad idea all around Zwift.

But if you had at least allowed me to keep the costume for a bit, I would have forgiven everything else about the experience.


I just gave it a try and didnā€™t enjoy it, sadly.

It would have been better if you earned costume pieces at the same rate as a drops multiplier, but instead I was able to ride for about 15 minutes with the pace partner without feeling Iā€™d achieved anything. After my fourth(ish) time of it resetting without me gaining anything I dropped out and joined Coco.

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I spent about 2 hours yesterday getting the Space suit. I ended up reducing my trainer difficulty to 25% About an hour in as I felt like I had been having a hiit workout for an hour and all I had was 2 pieces ! Then it became fairly easy as doing that enabled me to use power to adapt to The bots pace change and it was almost smooth. As with everyone else whilst the game was fun and different , on rollers if you have a smart trainer itā€™s too variable to be really fun , and not being able to wear it on any Halloween ride was really lame, last years Halloween was so much fun . It was also particularly hard to get a clean shot of the complete suit because there were so many riders and you would lose it instantaneously if you go outside of the window. Seemed on the surface to be a interesting concept that could have been implemented better.


Have to agree with many sentiments expressed above. The pace partner experience was painful. No matter how evenly I tried to stay with it, the pace bot kept yo-yoing in front of or behind me. This was especially painful on hilly segments where if I was a little ahead of the bot I had no chance of staying in range on descents.

I also experience the bot riding off course entirely, just long enough for me to lose all progress and drop back to a 1.0 multiplier. Took over an hour to get the astronaut costume fully unlocked.

First world problems, for sure! But, it shouldnā€™t take an hour or more of constant focus on chasing an erratic bot to get a costume unlocked. Not funny and not fun. And why couldnā€™t we ride free from the pace bot in our new attire after fully unlocking the suit?

Also missed this year was general halloween themed decor in Watopia.


The point fences on the pace partners in general are way too tight, especially on the hills and large groups.

In fact, it shouldnā€™t reset in the back until someone turns around or stops. If someone wants to build up points, rest a lap, then hop back on when the bot comes back around their points should just pause until theyā€™re with the group again.

Many users experience similar problems, including myself. I was shocked when I learned after my initial experiences that the 'bots were pushing the SAME watts all the time! One technique (two parts) that Iā€™ve found helps (besides practice, practice, practice): Change your view to ā€œ9ā€ (what I call the ā€œdroneā€ view). Your avatar will ALWAYS be in the precise center of the screen. I use a distinctive kit so I as to be able to recognize my avatar from on-high amongst the unwashed masses. Next, stay slightly ahead of the pace partner. As the pace partner closes on your position, youā€™ll have a longer time to make adjustments. When making those adjustments, make them slowly and incrementally and only up to a power level 10-20 watts higher than the guideline power. The more often you traverse a course with the pacer 'bot, the better you will get at anticipating those weird power changes you need to push in order to keep proper proximity. Luck!

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Long live the 1%.


Long live the 1%.


4 posts were split to a new topic: Halloween 2021 - it is that time of year. :slight_smile: