Hi all, I am very new to indoor biking/Zwift, having been riding for about 4 weeks now. I have completely fallen in love with my bike and with Zwift. I am an “amateur” rider - just trying to enjoy exercising (“playing”?), gain general fitness, and perhaps beat a few self-imposed goals.
I fear having my head cut off by placing feature request(s) on here with such little experience so please be gentle - I apologise if these are already possible in Zwift somewhere and I just haven’t found the right settings yet! I just felt that some of them are quite basic functionality that in theory should be achievable by the Zwift team with the data that is already available, and for relatively little effort versus creating a new world it might enhance user experience somewhat? Below are a few suggestions from a newbie:
Energy burned as calories/kJ rather than “pizza slices”. Pizzas can be different sizes and whilst I get that pizza slices is equivalent to a number of calories, distance isn’t reported in terms of laps of Ascot Racecourse or elevation gain in terms of height of stacked Lego bricks, so I wondered if there is a way to report total burned calories at the main menu/home screen?
Better options for goal setting. Zwift allows us to set goals of distance and time per month or week but these feel very limited given the massive choice of workouts/ride types/etc. Surely setting goals based on distance or time can potentially be meaningless when considering how different the elevation gains can be between rides? I wondered if perhaps there could be the option to set an energy based goal (i.e. I will burn xxx calories per week) so that long flat rides and short, hilly rides can contribute sensibly to the goal. I thought it might also be good to have the ability to set route-based goals with a target time (i.e. I will complete the Tempus Fugit route in xx minutes). Or how about “I will complete routes with a total combined difficulty of xx points”, as each route appears to be given a “difficulty rating” in the main menu?
Permanent retention of route/KOM PBs. My understanding is that Zwift saves our personal best efforts for routes/KOMs/sprints etc for 90 days and then they are removed (?). I am steadily working my way through all routes on the zwift route list, but I fear that by the time I get back around to the beginning of the list to try beating some of my earliest efforts - in a hopefully fitter state - my previous best will have been deleted as it will take more than 90 days to get through the list! I wondered what the technical barrier is to storing them indefinitely as the holo-replay is such a great feature and it seems a shame to lose previous bests, just because one hasn’t ridden a particular route in 90 days whilst enjoying other routes/workouts?