Game Update v1.85 [March 2025]

Hi everyone,

Phased rollout of Zwift Game version 1.85 begins today to macOS / Windows / Android devices.
Phased rollout to iOS / tvOS begins tomorrow.

  • The Factory Tour Challenge arrives for Zwifters over level 40. This long-awaited, epic challenge gets Zwifters to power a RoboPacer Factory using the watts they produce each ride. Each hour of effort helps a RoboPacer progress through the factory and the bigger the effort, the faster the RoboPacer moves. The final unlock is Zwift’s first-ever piece of performance apparel, aero socks, that sparks a shocking wheel animation when activated. For more information, visit our support page
  • New badge alert: The Tair Dringfa Fechan route in Watopia is now available for free ride.
  • In the Zwift Companion Action Bar, the Camera View and Emote menus now automatically close after making a selection.
  • We made it easier to see what you’ve selected when browsing details of events, routes, Climb Portal, and Pacer group rides on the home screen.
  • FIT files now include power target data from workouts.
  • We found the wooded park that went missing in central London and returned it to its proper location.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause riders in the New York world to swerve at an intersection in Central Park.
  • Stability improvements.

UPDATE March 5
Phased rollout expands to Windows / macOS / Android / iOS.
Phased rollout to iOS/tvOS begins today.

Do you have questions or issues to report? Let us know below.


Closing the emote menu is good. The camera view one might get frustrating for people who like to cycle through different views. (I am not one of these people, but I know they exist - maybe a toggle to keep it open could be implemented?)

Can fit files start including hardware device information (e.g. serial number) like real-world activities have?


There’s nothing regarding this new challenge on that page

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Zwift Insider detailed posts on the update: Zwift Update Version 1.85 (141681) Released | Zwift Insider and on the Factory Tour challenge: All About Zwift’s New Factory Tour Challenge | Zwift Insider

Please don’t do this.
My use case is switching between 3rd person view and rear view. A use case that was deemed important enough to include as a button on the zwift play controllers. But I live in a country that you have decided not to send the controllers to.

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Any update on a fix for the missing graphics issue…?

Being updated as we speak

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You mean the trees? Not yet. We’ll update the trees thread when there’s news to share.


Tonight, while doing a workout, I was unable to fan view any riders. I specifically chose to do my warm-up in Innsbruck so I could watch my ladder team race. Not only could I not fan view any of my teammates, I couldn’t fan view any nearby riders either. I did try to determine if fan viewing wasn’t allowed from a workout, but didn’t find anything. I was using the companion app on an iPhone 13 running iOS 18.3.1. My companion app is on v3.6.7. I run Zwift on a PC with Windows 10. My Zwift game version was updated to 1.85.0 this evening.

I’ve had this happen in the past so it’s not new

When are the Halo bikes coming(the ones we were supposed to get last year)?


It was supposed to be “last season on Zwift” so it’s only a week late at this point. Their PR contractor says it’s coming “very soon” but he was saying February for a long time and then April before settling on “very soon” so who knows.

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I went to log on to Zwift this morning and it did its update. Now I can’t load Watopia at all - it sits on the loading screen indefinitely before I have to force close it. I joined innsbruck ok once but then I tried to join Bernice in Innsbruck and it was missing most of the graphics when it loaded (I could only see people’s names) . I’m using Windows 10 64 bit and have updated my graphics card this afternoon with no luck.
What do you suggest please?

Wait, there’s a button for this on the Zwift Play? How did I miss this? I want to figure that out, because that sounds super useful.

In my first ride after the update, Watopia looked fine. I then joined the Zwift Games pen in Makuri, and it looked fine as well. I then went to warm up with Maria in Richmond and all the buildings (and most of the pavement) were missing. I went back to Makuri for the race and was only getting about 5 FPS. Post race, I went to London to late join the big spin and my frame rate was back to normal, but all the buildings were missing again.

Restarting the app seemed to fix most of the problems.

Is this a known glitch or some weird oddity of my GPU having a hiccup right after the update? Any ideas?

It is the down arrow button on the left controller. In free rides it makes a U-Turn but in races you get the behind view for about 3 seconds and after that it switches back to the normal view.


Phased rollout has begun to iOS and AppleTV

That’s awesome. I’ve been afraid to hit that because I didn’t want to hang a u-turn and leave the event, but I’ll give it a try. Very helpful for TTT races too where you just want a quick look back at the line, but don’t want the hassle of finding the 6 button and then the 3 again on the keyboard (maybe that’s just me and the microkeyboard located on my bars and my aging eyes starting to need glasses).


Awesome, by when should the phased update rollouts be done?