Game Update v1.67 [June 2024]

Sir do you know your talking to ? your talking to Zwift allstar in @Casey_Schumm_X it yes or NO by ZHQ. @Steve_Clogg_PACK_LEA @shooj

Well - besides the level of seriousness. I was due an FTP test, and had an hour to spare yesterday. After watching GP Lamaā€™s video last week, and then the second one yesterday in the AM in the US, I was really excited to use the new Hill for it.

Sure - I can do that on different platforms, or outside, but I wanted to it on that route, in that moment, because it was announced. For the rest, Iā€™ll live, I will still be using Zwift and will test my FTP and ride those other routes sometimes else.

Perhaps an idea would be the other way around? Have a pool of say 2,000 heavy users test the app a week before launch, then launch it slowly but not announce it to another 5,000 users, and then go Full Monty the next day?

Good idea. I think I had it set to always on - I still see the alp segments so it is interesting if this is different.


Or maybe you havenā€™t ridden in the last 90 days?!?! Hello old friend.

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It was also announced it is a phased roll out. They quite clearly stated it would be available to everyone by the 13th. Schedule your FTP test on the 13th! The world wonā€™t end if you move your FTP test by 48 hours if you want to use the Grade? Why donā€™t you email Zwift with your training plan and they can schedule releases to fit in with your calendar? Iā€™m joking btw before people say Iā€™m being mean.


Because people will still be complaining about others having it before them. Most complaining here (not you) is because others have access to it before they do. And they donā€™t think itā€™s fair that other people should have it before them. I feel bad for how angry and bitter they must be in life with all the unfairness in the world. If they make such a big fuss about not gaining access to some new virtual road until 48ish hours after someone else they must get really upset about stuff that actually matters.


It is like someone (maybe you) said earlier - Testing needs to be done, rather a good working product than a buggy one. And yeah, I hadnā€™t read the fine print, thatā€™s on me. Like I said, I got excited by the announcement from an influencer, and 1 was jealous that he had it before me, and 2 I was frustrated that I couldnā€™t ride it straight away. So much ado about nothing. It will all be over tomorrow. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Hey everyone - we appreciate your feedback! We are reverting to the previous rolling resistance behavior in the next game release to address the changes on Epic KOM in this world expansion.

@Eric_Schlange_ZwftIn @Tom_Shelton @calfzilla @Mike_Rowe1


Iā€™ve just ridden the new coastal crown route on my Atv set up, thatā€™d be a great race loop.

My Windows PC always gets the updates Thursday evenings.
Donā€™t bother, 1.67 is going to be the last release Iā€™ll use. Iā€™m on my last days at 14.99 a month before I upgrade to 0.00 a month.

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Just limit bandwith dudes why are you so scared of providing slower downloads. I watched reviews yesterday and today I got home excited to try new roadsā€¦ This is such a let down. :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

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Wow thanks!

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Are you referring to the phased rollout of new versions? If so, thatā€™s nothing to do with Zwift being concerned about download bandwidth.

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The solution there would be to get in touch with Zwift and give them your analytics showing your massive social media audience and other details and that you are ā€œbigā€, bigger than the usual suspects of virtual cycling. Waiting for the public rollout wonā€™t get you that.

I assume you have a bigger audience than ZwiftInsider or others?


I got the update, went to ride Coastal Crown Loop, and my game crashed as the world was loading. Restarted the app and tried again, it worked fine.

Iā€™m having some bugs on macOS. In particular selecting workout I have this weird ā€˜ingā€™ category for custom workouts and when I select or press A on play controller it doesnā€™t take me to the workout button down below. I have to press a weird combination of right arrow once and then down, hard to explain. But either way something is very broken there. Used to do this daily and never had an issue and now there is some weird navigation between panes bug on the workout selection screen. This is after Iā€™ve already loaded a ride/route and launching workout via the in game menu button.

You can and my apps say updated to the new version and yet no new routes. Forever frustrating since 2016 and before.

The version should show 1.67

Can you sort the routes by route completion - I am sure you have already. You should be level 10 ore more as well according to the Zwift page:

Iā€™m not Zwift staff or support, just some nobody trying to assist.

Maybe some fast climbers were testing it before release.

I updated ZCA to the new version 3.58.1 yesterday. In Google Play it is said that this update would bring the new The Grade routes to the routes section of the app. I also updated the game itself today to 1.67 (Windows 11). The new routes are still not showing up in ZCA (German version), despite several killings and restarts of the app. I would love to add them to ā€œMy Listā€. This feature is most useful after a new roads day for me. Is it a bug or is it me?


James Bailey has posted on one of the Facebook groups that there is a server side update required ā€œthis eveningā€. So depending on what time zone that is it should be working soon.