Game Update v1.67 [June 2024]

Sounds great, thanks!

When are we supposed to get the update? I still canā€™t see the new routes and 1.67 doesnā€™t seem to be available. Tried contacting Zwift, and their ā€™ contact meā€™ button, goes around in a continual loop - more money - less value :frowning:

Hi Neil, Iā€™ve not read through this thread fully - however, like everyone else here Iā€™ve been looking forward to the new routes - I Zwift daily, so this has created excitement and anticipation. In addition to the recent price increase it feels - maybe rightly or wrongly - that the new updates should be available when indicated. Personally I thought it was the 11th, then noticed it was from the 11th to 13th. Well itā€™s the 13th (10:04 BST) and still nada :frowning: so Iā€™m a bit disappointed as I want to crack on and ride the new routes :slight_smile: Have a fab day all.


Information like that should be posted on here not 3rd party social media sites

100% it should be. And if someone who worked for me was behaving like that they wouldnā€™t have a job much longer. But I donā€™t run zwift.

In the meantime, like so many other problems with zwift, itā€™s up to the community to find workarounds.


Still no update for MacOS here, Eastern Time Zone :frowning:

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I finished the Mayan Mountainside KOM and then did a U-turn some 50 meters later. I passed the banner and started descending. The HUD started counting seconds for the KOM even if I was no longer riding it (going downhill, not up). It stopped few minutes later when I got down to coast and crossed intersection. See below. The 90-day PR should also not be blank as shown on left.

  1. It is posted here on the forums.
  1. Didnā€™t you say weā€™re going to cancel or already cancelled?

I usually get updates on Tuesday evenings here in Sweden, but before lunch today no 1.67 (win 10 )

Itā€™s random, on a per-device basis.


At least one place has the correct name now.


Hello Zwifters!

Game version 1.67 is available to all devices across every OS platform. Please update at your earliest convenience.
Note: some server-side changes are required before the new expansion routes are fully available in Zwift Companion app. Please allow a few hours for that to happen.


Not sure if Iā€™ll experience this bug again;
But after receiving the update last night, I attempted to join Cocoā€¦ a few times; and it kept ā€œmissing the markā€, and Iā€™d be flying up the road at extremely high speeds.

It seemed to let me keep going without stopping as well as it was trying to find Coco who was on Sugar Cookie at the time.

I tried doing it a few times and the same kept happening; by the final attempt, once loaded into the map I ended up just using the teleport feature. I did not save those weird rides so not sure if they show up in my telemetry on the server side.

But, just wanted to mention it in case itā€™s an actual bug, or, some weird one-off.

Coco was somewhere on Epic Bypass when I was attempting to join; and it had me blasting past the mayan area on the coastal road at like 50+ mph.

Just wanted to report this for the sake of brevity.

Sorry to anyone who thought I was some cheaterā€¦ buggy things just doing buggy things :joy:

Just did oh no hill (pregnancy workout) and really liked it. Cool graphs and I also like the fact that zwift finally designed a course thats clearly fictional; thatā€™s fun. On ATV.


Any estimate as to when the Companion will be updated with the new routes on the map?

Mine has them now (Android).

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Does anyone with Apple TV or maybe other platforms find that the screen vibration effect when riding the paving stone areas around the Mayan Mash square area of the new roads overly harsh?

I was riding the tides and temples route earlier and found it a bit nauseous when in third person short view.


The shaky camera affect has already been acknowledged as something that Zwift are looking into. Itā€™s noted in the original post of this thread.


Sounds like Sugar Cookie route.

Didnā€™t really notice it, or maybe it just didnā€™t bother me :man_shrugging:t2: