Game Update v 1.68 [June 2024]

If the driver version is anything lower than install this:

Mine is

Do the update. If it doesn’t help, you can consider doing a clean reinstall of Zwift or contact support. They have access to information about your system that the rest of us do not.

Okay, i will try both. Thanks!

No luck with drivers update. Will do Clean Install.

No luck with clean install.

Any other ideas?

Random and very much a long shot.
But if you use Ant+, remove the dongle and load zwift without it.

I’ve had a few occasions where it’s not crashed but become completely unusable and that randomly worked… On each occasion!!

Yeah that is a thing as well

@Dave_Rollins1 I suggest contacting Zwift support and asking them to examine your log files. Since you’ve updated the video driver you have already done the first thing they will suggest.

I have noticed this effect with KICKR Bike for at least two years. The “feel” to push and maintain power while the terrain is downhill is harder than going uphill; if I keep a constant pedaling focus then my cadence will naturally increase on the ascents and decrease on the descents from this, regardless of the ERG Mode Smoothing setting being enabled or not in the Wahoo app. It would be great to see this fixed.

The question is whether it’s increased resistance lowering your cadence, or lower cadence increasing your resistance.
Have you tried a erg-mode workout with your screen hidden, so you don’t know whether the gradient is changing? Just looking at the companion screen to see your power.

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Yes, I often don’t look at the ZwiftApp during ERG mode workouts as the coaching text often annoys me, I depend on the trainer to adjust the power and I just pedal. It is easier for me to get a “spin faster” warning going downhill and a “spin slower” warning going uphill at the same power when cadence targets need to be met. It has been like this for a very long time with my KICKR Bike, at least two years. I have had the bike since April 2021 and I do not recall this at the beginning of it. There haven’t been any firmware updates for KICKR Bike V1 for a very long time.

Like in this example during SST on the selected route (Countryside Tour), the cadence has a target (90) and the average cadence I am pedaling at is significantly higher when the slope is higher. For this reason, I put many workouts on when going up a gradient like Alpe, or I try to do them on something nearly pan flat like Neon Flats. They don’t feel right on things like Watopia Hilly Route; that one is particularly bad. As soon as the hill starts to slope down a bit (even if still going up, but up less), at the same power target, the pedaling resistance “fights back” on the cadence. And in the case of KICKR Bike, no amount of shifting to an easier gear improves it and going to too “easy” of a gear ratio like 1:1 on the downhill parts makes the pedaling action feel almost “elliptical”, parts of the rotation will have significantly easier resistance and then suddenly it “bites”. It’s this “biting” on the downhills or when the gradient decreases that makes this feel unnatural.

For what is worth, this same behavior is experienced in MyWhoosh, but NOT indieVelo or Wahoo SYSTM.

I have actually posted about this before here a couple of times, and have actually also reached out to Wahoo Technical Support. Wahoo directed me to Zwift but this still persists.

It would be very nice if this could be improved.

If it helps to understand, it applies to SIM mode also, in that the same “feeling” can be observed with Trainer Difficulty = 0 on KICKR Bike, scaling the gradient feel to reduce it to the lowest possible, at a constant gear, cadence will increase slightly going up and decrease slightly going down to hold the same power. If you focus only on cadence and fight the feedback feeling, decreasing to a fixed cadence target on the inclines, power will decrease a bit, and if you increase to a fixed cadence target on the descents, power will increase a bit. In other words (as an example) being in 2-7 gear with Trainer Difficulty at 0 will not result in the same power target at a +8% grade as a -8% grade, nor a 0% grade. The bike is “biting less” on the uphill and “biting more” on the downhill. I suspect this has a similar if not identical root cause to the post of the KICKR user above: Game Update v 1.68 [June 2024] - #27 by Mark_Hulskamp

Adding the “free ride” part of the whole activity so it aligns with the more granular data I shared from Strava:

I actually found some good video examples of it: iCloud Photos - Apple iCloud

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I have the same behaviour on my v5 kickr, and have commented several times only to be shot down by folk telling me gradient is 0% in erg.

I can be doing a 10 min block at z3 for example, so well into a steady effort and cadence will rise or fall a few rpm depending on going up or down, and there is a noticeable feel of increased effort on the downs to keep the effort steady.

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Thank you! I know we’re not crazy @Mantis_Toboggan - hopefully someone will look into it for us and help us to improve the experience. So far that is you and @Mark_Hulskamp that reported it on KICKR v5 and me on KICKR Bike v1. This definitely isn’t a “new” thing for me on KICKR Bike v1 and has been consistent through my entire experience of Zwift with KICKR BIKE Firmware v1.27.0 released on 5 April, 2022.

I have split suspicions of the “source” of this issue, but I cannot “point fingers” at Zwift or Wahoo because:

  1. It happens in Zwift AND MyWhoosh.
  2. It does NOT happen in indieVelo or Wahoo SYSTM.

I have had my bike since April 2021 starting on KICKR BIKE Firmware 1.16.0, and have updated through 1.22.0, 1.23.0 and 1.25.0 and unfortunately do not have more information about whether it changed during the time of one of these firmware versions. I do know it has been consistent with the combination of Zwift+KICKR BIKE Firmware 1.27.0 but cannot ascertain whether a change in ZwiftApp did this, or one of the Wahoo firmware versions did this.

I do see that for KICKR v5 there were a couple of ERG firmware changes - one on 11 March 2022 in v4.2.8 for “Power spikes while coasting when using ERG simulated speed mode” and one on the latest firmware on 14 February 2023 in v4.3.0 for “ERG Easy Ramp”. The updates for KICKR BIKE v1 do not have that much detail, with the latest being “Tweaks under the hood to improve your KICKR BIKE experience.” Absolutely useless and shameful on the part of Wahoo for that type of release note. At this point, I’m banking on the relationship between Zwift and Wahoo as hardware partners to determine the root cause and roadmap it for improvement.

I hope that this information can help someone at Zwift to investigate and triage on this issue for us. “Pretty please.” :slightly_smiling_face:

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You are not alone, here is the same with a wahoo bike v2. I have been speculating that smoothing may have something to do with it, but if you say that it does not happen with other software, in the end all efforts below Z3 should be done on the flat and >Z4 on the way up, with Z1 on the way down, in the same way as it is done in outdoors.
All the best

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2 posts were merged into an existing topic: Zwift for iPad - Huge battery drain on v1.68

Windows users - please note we are rolling out a version 1.68.2 patch in a phased rollout.

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Hi Shuji!
Pherhaps there is an issue with MacBook as well, cause since the update, I had a couple of times a problem with login in.
It says login was granted, but whilst on the pairing screen everything freezes and I have to shut off the pc as nothing is working. Than switch on the computer and restart everything. Afterwards everything works fine.
I no longer can be sure if Zwift will start, so as soon as I can sometimes up to 30 min beforehand I switch everything on, in order to make sure, I won’t miss the start of the group ride.
Cheers Rob

Windows users - phased rollout is complete. If you’re using a Windows machine, the 1.68.2 patch will be available to you. Please update at your earliest convenience.

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Tour mission complete no iconic kit given