Game Sounds messed up after update [January 2022]

Today I did a pace partner ride with Cara. The pack was very dense, so not every rider was rendered. I did Sprints every 10min., that means I slowly went to the back of the bunch and sprinted through it to the front and so on.

As Zwift began to render the other riders during the Sprint, I could hear lots of clacking noises for every rider being rendered. The noise was gone as soon as I did a normal pace with the group and no new riders popping up.

This repeated again on every Sprint. It sounded like someone firing a complete clip out of a machine gun.

That is not limited to TdZ. I heard it several times when doing Radio Tower repeats for the Wahoo Climb Mission.

Sure. I never meant to imply it was only TdZ. It has been happening to me on many climbs - not the Epic KOM in a free ride just now, but in general I have got this a lot and I definitely recall the sound playing the last few times up AdZ. I haven’t got it on the flats like Mike has, at least not yet.

Hi @shooj or @James_Zwift or anyone else from Zwift is there any update on how this is going?

I just saw this live stream posted in another thread and you can hear the dodgy noise quality throughout. On this you can hear the white noise, as well as some creaking-or-clicking-type sounds which may or may not be linked to the clicking sound people have mentioned.


Let me ask. Stand by please.

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I’m interested to see if these sound issues get fixed, the changes to audio are terrible.
Zwift seems to go backwards with every fix.


I will jump in and say I have the same observations and issues relative to game sounds. They are terrible and I also thought the sound system in my PC and/or my Bluetooth headset was bad. What’s the status from Zwift? 1.) Do they also feel this is an issue or are the new sounds the way it is supposed to be? 2.) Is there a plan to fix it? I have essentially given up listening to game sounds now and just grab a spotify playlist.


Any updates @shooj ? It has been a while now.

Still struggling with the sound issues. No volume control sliders since the fall. Sounds are now less realistic AND cannot be turned down.

MS Surfacebook running Windows 10. Tried uninstalling and reinstalling Zwift app. No effect. Also does not matter whether sound output is routed to PC speakers, bluetooth earbuds or separate monitor.

Today I wound up using my Garmin watch to record the ride and watched some videos instead of Zwifting.

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Yesterday’s sounds where all messed up once our speed gets higher. Descended the Alpe and had a rider with me, you could hear each “moving sound” and suddenly total silence as if no riding sounds played at all.

If the sound really changed from tire to chain, this might explain it because both of us supertucked a lot, but the sound didn’t recover and stayed that way.

But, tire sound is also louder IRL, can’t comprehend why it was changed at all.

Sounds from last August till November where great and immersive. Please change it back that way. New sound engine makes the whole experience fall apart and definitely less enjoyable.

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Sounds seem a lot better following most recent update. The chain noise has been turned down, although it is still there. It is an improvement, although my preference would be to remove it altogether.

Going to respond here rather than make another thread. It seems as if the world bike noise has been transferred to the game sound volume as opposed to the 3d world volume on iPad.

OS/DEVICE iPad OS 15.3.1 on iPad 6th gen hardware
Zwift Ver 1.23.0
Audio chain
I ride with Zwift running on an iPad and bluetooth earbuds for sound. Primarily listening to music from youtube while riding. Premium membership on youtube so I can listen with it in the background. Prior to the 1.23.0 update all the world sounds would be muted (bike noise and world noise) when listening to music. This happened automatically Zwift. Now the world noise gets muted (rain etc) but the bike noise is not. The game is acting as if the bike sounds are controlled by the Game Sound Volume. With Game Sound muted and the 3d World Volume slider untouched the bike sounds go away.

Not a huge deal but makes it difficult to listen to music with the bike sounds going off. For now I’m just muting all sound in Zwift.

did you look in the options to see if the volume sliders had changed?

if you slide both down to zero you shouldn’t hear any sounds over the music.

I can’t speak for what they looked like before the 1.23.0 update as it wasn’t something I had to mess with. On the current update I can confirm that I have a Game Sound slider and a 3d World slider on iPad. With the Game Sound slider set to “off” bike sounds went away. The 3d World volume slider appears to only control the nature sounds. This is with or without another program playing sound in the background.

Based upon the description of the two sliders I would expect 3d World to control bike sounds as well.

that is how they are supposed to work (I think)

They should update the description then for the volume sliders. I’ve been using Zwift like this for 2 months without this issue. 3d World Sounds (Nature and Bike Sounds) is now just Nature.

Looks like we need an update on this one, so I’m happy to oblige. I’ve checked with the team and confirmed that we’ve reproduced the issue; they’re working on a fix. Thanks!

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Thanks @Steven_D but which issue have you reproduced? Because there are a few problems reported with sound on here, and on other threads.

One is the terrible sound quality (clacking, clicking, white noise, etc.) and one is the game sound sliders not working as they should. There was also an issue with runners sounding like cyclists; I don’t know if this has been fixed as I haven’t run since the TdZ.

As for the game sound sliders, here’s an image describing how the sound control sliders have been working on my Windows 10 machine for a couple of weeks:

For me the biggest issue is the sound quality, because I used to ride with both volume sliders up but now I ride with sound off or almost off. And Zwift just isn’t as immersive when I have to turn the sound off.

Has been apparent for a long time: when a rider passes while riding on tarmac, a loud, unnatural, somewhat irregular clacking sound builds and fades with that. With a lot of fantasy you could say it’s the sound of a wheel bumping on road profile, but it doesn’t make sense because you should then also produce the sound yourself. You never do. You might call it shifting, but shifting 7 times to pass someone would be absurd. It doesn’t sound like anything bike-related. It’s not a sound that should be there and it’s way too prominent to ignore.
In general, more detailed sound control would be nice, but this anomaly has hung around long enough and should be a goner soon if you ask me.

I’m not entirely sure what sound your describing but would love to take a listen to it and see if we can’t figure this out. Could you open a support request at Contact Us - Official Zwift Support | Zwift and attach a short video of this sound to an email so we can listen to it .

See Game Sounds messed up after update [January 2022]