Freezing/Crashing on AMD integrated GPUs [November 2024]

@Anton_Moiseenko Great to hear, thank you for letting us know!

My Surface Win11 on AMD 64 started crashing so badly on Fri Jan 17 2025 after only 15 minutes each time, that I uninstalled it. First, I would get just an object or two pixelating (a single tree or side of a building), then the entire background or foreground, then the workout would freeze. All graphics options were turned off in Settings, my instance was running fullscreen, not in a window. Three tries to make it through the same course, and I had to stop. Maybe I’ll try again after the next version is released.

Which model of Surface do you have? Did you mean to say ARM64? Because those systems are not supported by Zwift.

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I had updated to the latest version(at the time) but I was/still am getting the app crashing, but only when I save at the end of the session. I haven’t risked going back to allowing screenshots to be automatically taken whilst using Zwift, so thankfully it doesn’t crash mid session, but I still have to close the app via the Windows task manager.
I did run my laptop with 8gb of memory, then updated it to 24gb of memory in the hope that this may solve the issue but it does seem to always happen when saving the session to exist.
Any thoughts on what to try next?

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Really pleased to confirm that the fix has worked for me - I ran the update and have been doing workouts for the last couple of weeks and I’ve not had a freeze since. Many many thanks! Appreciate the free month as well :+1:

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Works great, 3h rides are back on the menu.

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@evan-zwift After several tests, I can confirm that the crash issue has been resolved on both of my PCs. However, unfortunately, Zwift still crashes during the saving process. This happens consistently on both of my computers, both of which have AMD graphics cards. Fortunately, the activity is still saved, but Zwift has to be closed via Task Manager.

It would be great if this issue could also be addressed.

That being said, it’s fantastic that we’ve finally made a big step forward and that no one had to buy new hardware. As a small bonus, it would be nice if the promised free month, as announced via email, actually gets credited.

Thanks for the continued improvements! :rocket:

Hi @Tobi_Frtz_R2, thanks for the update and for the report of the additional issue. We’re investigating this.