I have a fit file in progress from yesterday’s ZRL meet. The activity is showing all my data is there and it even went across to Strava and Garmin connect but I am not in the race list. Bit annoying as I finished top 30 and the difference is 6th to 4th for my team on the day.
Hoping something can be done to credit the race (especially as it was disgustingly hard to get that top 30
You’re listed as a non-finishers Live tab of ZP - looks like it was a data stream issue somewhere as you crossed the line. ZP does show a 50:59 time. Based on that and your fit file data you have, I’d be checking with race control.
EDIT: You could throw your log file onto Zwiftalizer.com - I suspect it will highlight some network issues at the end of the event. IF you do, can you share the link here pse.